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Social Justice and Discrimination

Essay Instructions:

DUE DATE: Sept 25, 2021, by 6 PM EST (Pls. read the whole instructions down below)
For this essay assignment, please use an MLA heading, Times New Roman font and develop your ideas in a thoughtful and organized manner. Be sure to proofread and edit – then do it again!
Go to the Pages Tab or simply use this link: https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2010/10/07/opinion/07Wideman.html (Links to an external site.)
Find the article titled "The Seat Not Taken." Using this reading compose a thoughtful essay demonstrating your understanding of how discrimination or facing life's hurdles (adversity) can affect someone or even an entire group of people. You may want to define your understanding of social justice.
Feel free to use one of your own personal situations - or perhaps something you have read that compliments the selected reading - to create a thesis that is supported by the text and your own understanding of the human experience.
The essay should be at least five paragraphs in length. Your introduction should have a thesis statement which is supported by several paragraphs. Use textual evidence as well to enhance your response. A solid conclusion (not a mirror of the introduction) should suggest your main points and perhaps leave the reader with a compelling reaction.
* Make sure to define social justice and injustice;
* I would like to incorporate this short story that we have read in my English 101 class; it's called "Desiree's Baby" by Kate Chopin. It has a good example of discrimination. (Use the article "The Seat not taken only as a guide but not necessarily needed to incorporate in the essay).
* I am not as well versed in speaking English, please make sure that it reflects that I am a novice in writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Justice and Disrimination
The current world is complicated since technological innovations have ensured that we are more connected than ever before, yet, we have never been more disconnected. We can easily access information from any part of the world. Many would argue that distance gives us a sense of security. Nevertheless, we fail to understand that every complex or straightforward issue is global (Hamilton, n.p). The United States is considered as the greatest democracy and many developing and developed nations are emulating its ideals. However, the past social injustice issues faced by the country haunt each day. The essay defines social justice, highlighting examples of social injustices that affect individuals across the United States and the world, with a reflection of Desiree’s Baby.
Social justice is defined differently based on geographic, political, or social contexts. The United Nations refers to social justice as fairness and equity in attaining and distributing economic resources (Hamilton, n.p). The National Association of Social Workers defines social justice as the fair distribution of social forums, political affiliations, and economic arenas. On the other hand, the Economic Social Justice forum refers to social justice as the philosophy that guides human interactions and institutions towards ideologies meant for fairness in growth and equity. I understand social justice as an idea encompassing all fairness in social, political, and economic aspects. Social justice issues include voting, climate change, healthcare, refugees and immigration, racial injustices, and gun violence.
Election officials faced significant challenges during the advent of the coronavirus pandemic. These issues led to the emergence of social justice challenges within the United States. Federal courts indicated that convicts were expected to pay fines before exercising their right to vote (Hamilton, n.p). Such are some of the challenges marring our election...
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