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The Theme of Responsibility in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Essay Instructions:

Write a literary argument that discusses the theme of Responsibility in Frankenstein by Mary Shelly.
- Introduction ( 1 paragraph)
- Clear thesis statement
- Clear topic sentences
-Only 2 Body Paragraphs: Have 2 quotes for each paragraph and explain how it connects to thesis statement
-Avoid contractions (examples: can’t, isn’t) and passive voice (examples: has had, have had)
Other formatting
- MLA format, 12pt font, double space
Thank you so much

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The theme of Responsibility in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Responsibility is an essential value for healthy human coexistence. The Oxford dictionary defines responsibility as having a duty to deal with something or being accountable. People take responsibility for various societal issues in the political, social, and economic sectors. The novel Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley, explores the theme of responsibility in great depth. It features the story of Victor Frankenstein, who goes abroad to study, gains knowledge to create a living creature, and creates one, a monster who brings chaos to Victor's close people. Sadly, Victor does not correct his mistake until the last minute when he dies, and the monster decides to die too. This essay uses Shelley's novel Frankenstein to explore the theme of responsibility. It argues that Victor fails to take responsibility for all the murders the monster committed despite knowing the truth. It also argues that the beast takes responsibility for his actions at the novel's end and condemns itself to death.
Victor is responsible for all the chaos that takes place in the novel. First, Victor goes away from home, leaving behind his family and fiancé. His responsibility is to take care of the family and care for his fiancé, but he does the opposite. The height of his irresponsibility happens when he creates the monster, which begins to murder people close to Victor, seeking attention from his creator. Victor knows that the monster he created murdered his brother William, but he lets Justin Moritz pay for the crime she did not commit. Victor's irresponsibility comes when he does not want to intervene and save Moritz from being sentenced. Victor says, "The monster had killed my baby brother... And I couldn't tell the truth to the police in Geneva" (p. 30). This shows a heightened level of irresponsibility, mainly because he was willing to sacrifice Moritz, the innocent little girl who grew...
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