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Journey To Reality: Short Story Araby Published In 1914

Essay Instructions:

Please use short story "Araby" by James Joyce as sourse.

Write a thesis-driven essay (2-3 pages). Give your essay an interesting title inviting to a reader. Please type and double-space the work and include both in-text citation and Works Cited for your primary source (the story). Be sure to include at least two quotes from the story to support the points you make in the essay.

Your essay must be 2-3 pages in length and must be written in correct MLA format. Don't forget to include your name, the class, and the section number at the top of the page. A sample essay is attached here, which illustrates how your paper should look and how quotes should be incorporated into the essay and cited.

Please follow the outline at the bottom of this document.

Coming-of-age or initiation stories often parallel the journey of classical heroes. The young protagonist is beset with a conflict, takes a journey--sometimes physical but always metaphorical--experiences an epiphany, and returns "home" forever changed. Discuss this theme of change as it relates to the protagonist "Araby" by James Joyce. Your thesis statement should convey the essence of what the change is. You must develop that thesis in the body paragraphs, using at least two direct quotations from the original source. Do not simply retell the plot of the story. What is required is your analysis and interpretation.

General Outline for Essay

Original Title


• Identification of title of story and author

• Very brief (1 or 2 sentences) overview of the story

• Thesis Statement


• Topic sentences to introduce the main idea of each paragraph

• Development of thesis with reference to scenes in the story

• Inclusion of at least two direct quotations from the story


• Restatement of thesis (not repetition)

• Encapsulation of main ideas

• Satisfying ending

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Journey to Reality
James Joyce’s short story Araby was published in the year 1914 is about an innocent Dubliner boy transitioned to adulthood stage where he realized that maturity is not the fulfillment of childhood’s promises. He fell in love with his friend’s sister but was afraid to reveal it to the girl and finally he loses when he gives up after failing bringing her a gift from the Bazaar. After arriving at the Bazaar, he realizes that he is late and all the shops are being closed leaving him alone in the darkness (Joyce et al. n.p). The characters of the Dubliners describe the traits of people who are never satisfied with their situation; they feel that they need something more to achieve their goals and they are afraid to try at their present state. Just like the narrator who is a Dubliner, he feels that he cannot express his love to Mangan’s sister without a gift (Joyce et al. n.p). He gives up after realizing that he had not bought any gift to the girl “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.’’ Similarly, the people of Dublin were never satisfied and contented with the annual Bazaar event. People expect something more than what the ordinary reality can give them and at the end they end up disappointed. Therefore, the work focuses on the changes that the narrator went through after taking a journey to the Bazaar which made him realize the beset he had been undergoing.
First the author begins the story with a transition of the season from Summer to Winter “The space of sky above us was the color of ever-changing violet and towards it the lamps of the street lifted th...
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