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The Depiction of Black Women throughout the History

Essay Instructions:

Paper 2: Comparative Analysis
After watching a variety of films from different eras in American film history, you now have a deeper awareness of the various ways in which black women have been portrayed, and the motivations of those creating and controlling these portrayals.
In this paper, you will identify one distinctive characteristic (e.g. theme, stereotype, circumstance, “single story”) associated with the portrayal of black women and analyze the way this characteristic is reflected in two mass media sources (film, TV, video, book, etc.)
You can compare two completely different films (selecting either one or both from the titles we have seen in class), or compare different versions of the same film, or compare the film adaptation to the original source of the story (i.e. book or play). In either case, the paper must include the following sections:
Introduction: Identifies the characteristic and the portrayals through which the characteristic will be analyzed; and includes an arguable thesis that explicitly states what the comparison hopes to prove
Description or Summary: Provides a summary of the two sources, and includes enough background information (i.e. pertinent scenes, production details, etc.) to understand the context of the narrative
Analysis: Examines the similarities and differences in the way the characteristic is used in both portrayals; and presents evidence to support claims regarding the negative or positive impact of the portrayals
Conclusion: Summarizes your analysis and elaborates on the implications of your argument
This is a formal academic paper and thus should adhere to the following basic standards: 

2-3 typewritten pages, double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font 

Use formal language (i.e. no contractions and limited use of personal pronouns, conversational words/phrases, etc.) 

Use of standard academic English for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax
MLA formatting, including a heading and title on the first page, pagination, in-text citations, and Works Cited page

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
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Course Title
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Comparative Analysis
I. Introduction
After watching numerous films from various eras in American film history, I now have a deeper awareness of the numerous ways in which black women have been depicted in film. Throughout history, the depiction of black actresses has primarily been unpleasant by undertaking stereotypical roles such as, the submissive servant, overtly carnal women, Mammies, or Sapphires; the spiteful, angry, evil black woman. The depiction of black women as lewd by nature is a continuing stereotype. The descriptive phrases linked to this typecast are singular in their focus: worldly, lewd, seductive, tempting, alluring et cetera. Historically, as categorization, white women, were depicted as archetypes of modesty, self-respect, sexual-purity, and self-control, whereas black women were habitually portrayed as predatory and intrinsically promiscuous.
II. Description
To successfully complete this assignment, I watched Douglas Sirk’s “Imitation of Life,” which was newly released by Universal together with its original version created and directed by John Stahl in 1934. This account of two mothers (both single), one white and the other black – and of motherly love, victimization, and breaking the color line – is a brilliant social symptom. Both film versions were derived from Fannie Hurst’s’ 1933 best seller.
John’s “Imitation of Life” addressed the issues of class, gender and race head-on. Bea Pullman, the white protagonist is not successful in her endeavors; the most sympathetic and complex character, black Peola Johnson, is a victim of racism, both internalized and institutionalized. Behind both we have Aunt Delilah; Peola light-skinned mother. Happily mishandled by her white spouse for her entire life, Aunt Delilah represents victimized black women, something the film affirms by giving her a state level burial. However, the real victim is Washington’s Peola. The tragic reality is this is the only role Hollywood would present this politically aware and accomplished actress. Essentially, she plays...
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