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Renewable Energy: Present Your Analysis, Come To A General Resolution

Essay Instructions:

Paper II: Multi-Source Analysis

Purpose and Description

Contributing to a scholarly conversation requires that you have something meaningful to communicate based on your own research. It also requires, however, that you consult existing scholarship on your subject in order to demonstrate, precisely, what is new or relevant about research findings. With these ends in mind, your aim in this assignment will be to 1) locate and analyze multiple scholarly sources related to the problem, question, and audience you identified in your research proposal; and 2) use your analysis to begin positioning yourself within a scholarly conversation that you would like to join based on your ongoing inquiry. The instructions described below are designed to guide you through this process.


Invention & Inquiry

Consider the following as you develop the first draft of your paper:

  • Identify 3-5 key words related to your research problem and question;
  • Research the key words using appropriate university library databases;
  • Locate scholarly sources that examine problems and questions similar to your own;
  • Create a digital repository for the articles you find and can access through the library;
  • Select 4-5 new sources that you would like to analyze for this particular assignment;
  • Analyze the sources using methods drawn from Chapters 2 & 3 in IAW;
  • Craft a thesis that positions your own voice within the scholarly conversation you have begun to define through your research.


The Composing Process

Your process for composing this paper will be similar to the work you completed for Paper I. In particular, you should introduce your subject, offer some context for your analysis and state your thesis, present your analysis, come to a general resolution that reinforces your thesis, and conclude the paper by pointing toward additional research that should or needs to be undertaken. Consider the following structure as you draft your paper:

  • Introduction (designed to frame your paper)
  • Research Context (designed to build on Exercise II)
  • Rhetorical Analysis (designed to focus on 4 scholarly sources)
  • Resolution of Perspectives (designed to reinforce your thesis)
  • Conclusion & Directions (designed to gesture toward future action)


Specific Requirements

Your paper should:

  • Analyze 4 scholarly sources related to your inquiry;
  • Develop a compelling thesis based on methodical analysis;
  • Have a well-defined and coherent organizational structure;
  • Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;
  • Cite sources correctly using appropriate citation style (MLA);
  • Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of your paper;
  • Be 6-7 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman typeface);
  • Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).


The process of defining a scholarly conversation does not end with the analysis of 4 sources. Rather, it begins with this step and continues to evolve as you focus your inquiry and develop your argument over time and through ongoing research and writing. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Instructor’s name
Renewable Energy
Energy is essential for social and economic growth of a nation. However, the major cause of climate change and air pollution is fossil fuels consumption. Deterioration of natural resources and greenhouse gas emission has posed a threat to sustainability, for example, fuelwood scarcity, oil crisis among others, which have caused major concern. To improve a region’s sustainability, it is important to improve energy efficiency. On the one hand, the energy sector is part of the economy, and consist of parts such an energy demand and energy supply interacting with each other on the other hand. These interactions are both complexes. For final consumption and intermediate production, energy supplies are important. So, economic growth of the country depends on the country’s energy system. Economic factors also serve a great deal in the improvement of energy systems and implementation of technologies. The economic factors include energy prices, capital cost, etc.
In contrast to other sources of energy, renewable energy sources exist over wide geographical areas. The rapid implementation of renewable energy is bringing about significant climate change mitigation, energy security, and benefits in the county’s economy. International public surveys strongly support the promoting the usage of renewable sources of energy such as wind power and solar power. Renewable energy is far more efficient than other sources of energy and significantly reduces the primary energy requirements. Renewable energy systems are becoming much inexpensive. Their total energy consumption share is increasing. The increased uptake of natural gas and renewables will probably lead to an end of growth in consumption of oil and coal by 2020.
The research will be based on a descriptive analysis design to give answers to the research questions. The main reason for using this design is because it enables collection of data within a short time from a wide range by the researcher. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Based on the research questions of the study, questionnaires in survey form were generated after the identification of the sample size population. It was through social networks and emails that the questionnaires were then distributed to the respondents. For data analysis and processing, the filled questionnaires were returned to the researcher. The information gotten from the questionnaires was quantitatively and qualitatively researched because they were made in such a way that would allow both techniques of research to be used.
After analysis and processing of the results of the research conducted, some facts about renewable energy came about. The study of the research had the advantages and disadvantages of the topic under analysis. The safety, abundance and clean to use, compared to other sources of energy was one of the benefits of renewable energy. Enough sunlight is the major reason for the clean and abundant source of energy which, when harvested, it could power everything for a year or so. The existence of multiple forms or renewable energy is another advantage that was seen. Since the 1970’s, there has been a diversification of the renewable energy. The transition includes, from dams to solar strips compared to other sources of energy. Stability in renewable sources is also one of the major advantages. The energy produced by this form is usable and stable. Stability in economic sectors is also created as jobs are created. Renewable energy not seen as a fuel but a technology. This vi...
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