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Veterans' Health Care: Rhetorical Analysis, Resolution Of Perspectives

Essay Instructions:

Paper II: Multi-Source AnalysisPurpose and DescriptionContributing to a scholarly conversation requires that you have something meaningful to communicate based on your own research. It also requires, however, that you consult existing scholarship on your subject in order to demonstrate, precisely, what is new or relevant about research findings. With these ends in mind, your aim in this assignment will be to 1) locate and analyze multiple scholarly sources related to the problem, question, and audience you identified in your research proposal; and 2) use your analysis to begin positioning yourself within a scholarly conversation that you would like to join based on your ongoing inquiry. The instructions described below are designed to guide you through this process.  Invention & InquiryConsider the following as you develop the first draft of your paper:

Identify 3-5 key words related to your research problem and question;
Research the key words using appropriate university library databases;
Locate scholarly sources that examine problems and questions similar to your own;
Create a digital repository for the articles you find and can access through the library;

Select 4-5 new sources that you would like to analyze for this particular assignment;
Analyze the sources using methods drawn from Chapters 2 & 3 in IAW;
Craft a thesis that positions your own voice within the scholarly conversation you have begun to define through your research. 
 The Composing Process
 Your process for composing this paper will be similar to the work you completed for Paper I. In particular, you should introduce your subject, offer some context for your analysis and state your thesis, present your analysis, come to a general resolution that reinforces your thesis, and conclude the paper by pointing toward additional research that should or needs to be undertaken. Consider the following structure as you draft your paper:
Introduction (designed to frame your paper)
Research Context (designed to build on Exercise II)
Rhetorical Analysis (designed to focus on 4 scholarly sources)
Resolution of Perspectives (designed to reinforce your thesis)
Conclusion & Directions (designed to gesture toward future action) 
 Specific Requirements
 Your paper should:
Analyze 4 scholarly sources related to your inquiry;
Develop a compelling thesis based on methodical analysis;
Have a well-defined and coherent organizational structure;
Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;
Cite sources correctly using appropriate citation style (MLA);
Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of your paper;
Be 6-7 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman typeface);
Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details). The process of defining a scholarly conversation does not end with the analysis of 4 sources. Rather, it begins with this step and continues to evolve as you focus your inquiry and develop your argument over time and through ongoing research and writing. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Course Title:
There are a large number of war veterans around the world, some of who are indeed suffering from physical/and or psychological wound of war. Offering service in the military is an exercise of very high risk because of the frequent exposure to trauma including sexual and combat assault. Of the most recent concern is the high likelihood of the occurrence of the posttraumatic stress disorder which can take place while the veterans are on the active line of duty. In the United States for instance, there are multifaceted veterans who may be viewed as a culture, subculture and a population who are going through very serious concerns with their health status. Normally, any military culture may be involved in, but not necessarily limited to traditions, customs, philosophical principles, values, ethos, teamwork, loyalty, selfless duty, identity, cohesion, and codes of conduct, obedience to command, order and procedure, implicit patterns of communication, ceremony and etiquette, as well standards of behavior. The available medical records reveal “that one in three patients was diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder-41% were diagnosed with either a mental health or a behavioral adjustment disorder”(Ouimette 212). These complications combined with diseases that are related to the military, makes many veterans to develop Substance Use Disorder (SUDs) and many of them may end committing suicides leaving behind helpless families with no one to take of them. In this context therefore, there is need to take veteran health seriously so that when they exit service, they are able to cope well like any other member of the society.
Research Context
The veterans’ health issues have been topic of discussion in many different domains. This is because of the current conditions under which veterans are subjected to, imposing a lot of stress on them. Indeed, one common problem that is a center of debate in veteran’s health is the problem associated with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). In many occasions, too many veterans coming back after active duty come with some serious mental problems that are required to be addressed. Often in active duty, veterans had to live under harsh conditions and witness extreme traumatic experiences that can be haunting. One of the major problems that stems from such traumatic events is PTSD. In this way, the mental health of veterans is often an issue that is discussed and considered when discussing their health needs. It is hard to live with a mental problem such as PTSD if one does not get the required intervention, PTSD can create a lot of problems because often suffers may not be aware of its presence. Many veterans as they return from active duty do not know they could be suffering from PTSD and so they try to lead a normal life but are haunted by memories or flashbacks of their experiences. This causes a lot of stress in the individual’s daily routine and without proper treatment, it could have dire consequences. They also find it extremely hard to get readjusted back into the society and families. To cater for the needs of this population, a proper health care plan should be designed to take good care of them.
Rhetorical Analysis
In the year 2010, the implementation of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) was started by the veterans’ health administration (VHA), which was the aim of the patient aligned care team (PACT) efforts in order to improve the results of the veterans’ healthcare through improved, team-based and health care management system. In the effort to track the progress and examine the results of all existing veterans’ health administrations clinics, Nelson et al. performed an investigation so as to come up with the index that indicates the level of how PCMH is implemented, describing variations in the implementation process, and then finally carried out an examination concerning the association of the outcomes of the implementation as well as its key outcomes. The study outcomes gave an indication that indeed there was a meaningful relationship with key outcomes, which involved staff turnouts, patient satisfaction, hospitalization, quality of care, as well as the visits in the emergency department. The study further indicated that the level of satisfaction of the patients was significantly higher and the turnout of the staff at the clinics was even lower in the site where the study indicated a more effective implementation of PCMH. The study presents an argument that even though there was a high level of health care provided at the VHA, there existed varying extents of the implementation of PCMH in relation to number of veterans which meet the criteria of many indicators of quality.
Many observers indicate that veterans’ health problems clearly show that the governments are no longer able to effectively manage the veterans’ health care. To other observers, they base their arguments on the situation of insufficient finance because veterans basically need relatively higher finances in order to accommodate the larger number of veterans who are returning back to their homes from incidents of wars in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq as well as many other aging veterans. Unfortunately, none of these arguments sufficiently provide guidance or cover the challenges that face this sect of the organization nor directs how such challenges can effectively be addressed. This narrative prompted Kizer, Kenneth and Ashish into carrying out an investigation on the restoration of trust within the veteran’s health care centers. They argue that immediately after ensuring that all the veterans who are on the waiting list have been screened and triaged to be integrated for care, the veterans’ health affairs should endeavo...
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