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Journal: Learnings about Change

Essay Instructions:

Envision your life 20 years from now, how was this experience impacted your life? Write a 200-word journal

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May 9, 2021
Journal Entry
One of the most significant and impactful learnings that I have learned in this service experience is the importance of courage and initiative in bringing about change. As Margaret Mead famously said in one of his works, "never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." This idea of facing one's fears by threading a new direction towards change helped me keep motivated and shift my mindset into going the extra mile for others.
Mainly, I realized that before the service experience, I was usually the kind of person who loves to stick within my comfort zone, which generally lies within the generally accepted norms of society. Whether in doing my daily tasks or participating in a group effort, I prefer to do things 'by the book' to ensure that my efforts would not be wasted and reduce the possible criticisms I could get if I do something wrong. However, similar to what Mead said, I realized from my service experience and my current readings that the most significant change also happens in the most unexpected circumstances.
On the one hand, I thought of this since my readings suggested some of the 'movements' or 'efforts against injustice' were brought about by a small number...
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