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Journal Entry 5

Essay Instructions:
This is relate to Essay 2, I already ordered the essay2, Please contact the writer from essay 2 to know the details, to help you write this Journal. Thanks
Essay Sample Content Preview:
April 2013
1 What do you consider to be the strongest aspect of your essay 2, and why?
The strongest aspect of my essay would be the part wherein I have provided information to fortify the quote that I have chosen from Pollan`s book. By providing scientific facts from the sources I have, I am able to put light into the focus of my paper. By giving examples of a related scientific study, chances are, the believability of the essay is increased since it is proven by science. I have also provided a person`s account therefore giving the readers a rough perspective of a person who is directly linked or involved in the topic. My synthesis was well backed by true information and thus was able to define and explain the emphasis to which I focused the essay on.
2 What do you consider to be the weakest aspect of your essay 2? Why?
The weakest aspect of my essay is the part in the beginning wherein I provided minimum information about the diets that I talked about. There are indeed many diets but I did not deliver information which would explain why such diets teach as such. I was not able to give further explanation and meaning to the different teachings of different diets. By that , some essence is lost in my essay, and some key knowledge is not present lowering the comprehensibility of my essay. However, even if I lack information about diets, I was still able to balance the comprehensibility by giving the key knowledge to understanding nutrition. Even though, the part in the beginning wherein I provided minimum information about diets still has room for improvement.
3 If you had more time to work on this essay, what would you focus on?
If I had more time on this essay, I would probably focus in improving the part where I talked about diets. I would fortify the readers` understanding about diets and how Pollan`s quote is applicable. I would compose of a way to enrich the readers` knowledge by further explaining diets and integrating Pollan`s teaching. I would have defined some types of diets and how integrating the quote by Pollan is relevant. Even though, I am content with the information that I have provided because I was able to give a smooth flow of understanding to my readers as I see it.
4 Is there anything you're still confused about with regard to writing synthesis essays? If so, what? 
I am a bit confused in formulating my most initial thesis statement. I find it a difficult part of writing synthesis essays because it is where the essay should revolve and where the main essence of the paper shall focus. However, after writing that, it is easier for me to write the rest of the essay without much con...
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