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Reading response to The story by Richard Rodriguez - "Workers"

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this is a reading response, please refer to instruction that I have uploaded, go to reading response and pick Barabara ehrenreich " serving in Florida" I have uploadee the format that I need for this reading response
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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Reading Response The story by Richard Rodriguez, "Workers" is about the Rodriguez who goes through life from his teenage years working in a manual job and who learns a lot from life as a black man in and whose background protected him from going out to work. He manages to develop a different attitude from the one his mother imposed on him and all the same he believes he will never know what real work is (296). In the book, Rodriguezwas seeking a summer job and had to engage his friend so secure the job so that he may earn money.The friend helped him secure employment in a construction company and where the work was mainly manual and involved shoving, raking and sweeping and the pay was good. Upon learning the job he was about to take, Rodriguez`s friends began cautioning him on how the work was hard though that did not demoralize him (Rodriguez 120). There were actually differences that were noted between the American workers and the Mexican aliens. For instance, Rodriguez noted that the American workers took an opportunity of his poor working skills to laugh at him although some of the older ones tried to teach him how to do it right.The workers who had different areas of job specialization could engage in dirty talk during lunch time with some howling at women who drove by in cars while others were quite. They had a wide diversity in their character, were educated and belonged to the middle-class in the society (297). The Mexican aliens were a hardworking group of six men who took their work seriously and heeded to the contractors instru...
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