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Experiments and Scientific Research

Essay Instructions:
answer the following question in 2 pages: Why is the experiment considered the gold standard in scientific research? Elucidate. explain in as much detail as you can why political science researchers do not use this method s much as physical and biological scientists.
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Experiments and Scientific Research
In scientific research experiments are considered the gold standard. Gold standard refers to the most reliable way of measuring the value or the true of a matter. In science it is the most reliable and the best way of establishing a truth of a theory and or a hypothesis. In order to explicitly expound on the reason for this it would be significant to understand what an experiment is. An experiment refers to a study where the researcher may manipulate levels of some independent variables and measures the results. This is the most powerful techniques of evaluating effect and cause relationships (Costall and Ole 181). Experiments can be conducted in real life as well as in the laboratories. Therefore, most scientific researchers refer to experiments as the gold standard through which all other research designs are and should be judged. Herein is the discussion on why political scientists would use the methods of experiments less compared to physical and biological scientists.
It is important to understand the terms political science and physical and biological science in order to understand why political scientists use less of experiments compared to the physical and biological scientists (Dunning 9). Political science refers to as an academic and research discipline dealing with practice and theory of politics and political systems and behaviour. Physical science refers to as any science that analyzes nonliving substance, energy properties and nature; they may include chemistry, astronomy, physics and geology (Costall and Ole 181). Biological science refers to as the branch of science that specializes with the study of living organisms.
As mentioned above political science focuses on explaining the existence of the world without necessarily looking into questions such as how and what if. Such questions are left for the natural sciences such as physical and biological sciences (Gorard 161). Political science would mainly go to the point of formulating the hypothesis which is merely the suggestion of existence of something. On the other hand, physical and biological sciences get into analyzing the hypothesis and testing its validity. The experiments seek to support or to disapprove the hypothesis as well as the theories. Further, physical and biological sciences need accurate data by referring to the observations relating to the phenomena in discussion. This is unlike in the political science research. In order to attain such empirical evidence it would require for observations as well as measurements to be taken in cases ranging from natural to strictly contrived settings such as from forests to laboratory respectively (Gorard 161). Therefore, the political researchers in most cases base their researches and hypothesis on the natural experiments mostly performed by the natural scientists. Political researchers do not need tangible evidence to explain their theories because most of their researches is on things that can be seen in the society. Further, in reference to the definition o experiment, political scientists do not need to control variables as in the case of natural sciences.
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