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Psychoanalytical Theory Assignment

Essay Instructions:
ASSIGNMENT Using psychoanalytical theory, consider the two short stories and other writings by Flannery O\\\\\\\'Connor(A good man is hard to find and revelation). Write either a psychoanalytical analysis of the two stories, weaving together common themes from the two stories, or do a psychoanalytical analysis of O\\\\\\\'Connor herself. (You can feel free to draw from additional sources in order to do that). Please note that plot summary alone is an insufficient method of making your argument. Remember, like any essay, you need a strong thesis statement, strong topic sentences that support the thesis statement, and supporting details. 1. Author named in a signal phrase Ordinarily, introduce the material being cited with a signal phrase that includes the author's name. In addition to preparing readers for the source, the signal phrase allows you to keep the parenthetical citation brief. Frederick Lane reports that employers do not necessarily have to use software to monitor how their employees use the Web: employers can “use a hidden video camera pointed at an employee's monitor” and even position a camera ”so that a number of monitors [can] be viewed at the same time” (147).
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Psychoanalytical Theory
A Good Man Is Hard to Find' is a brief narrative written in 1953 by Flannery O'Connor. It is comprises of violent action with comically, carefully drawn characters and a philosophy that highlights a grandmother's devout Roman Catholic belief.
Flannery O'Connor is one of the great American short story writers whose subjects are the duality of the Deep South and her Catholic faith. O'Connor once referred to A Good Man is Hard to Find as 'nine stories about original sin'. Combining a deft comic sensibility with the grotesque and tragic, they are stories in which characters lead lives of brutal poverty and fierce cruelty; where ordinary events can tip over into misfortune, violence and despair. O`Connor has the best stories ever for instance "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and also the "Revelation." First the story of "A Good Man is Hard to Find" actually depicts the heartless murder of a family that was undertaken by group of absconded convicts that were led by a notorious killer by name Misfit. The story is widely known for its religious phases particularly for portraying salvation through an appalling mostly fierce involvement undergone by characters that are physically or spiritually grotesque.
According to Neil (136) the story of revelation is about O`Connor`s southern upbringing. This is when Southerners were actually prejudiced towards people of other races and their lifestyles. It was their belief that the less fortunate people were so inferior to them. This brought discrimination in all sectors leading to grouping people in to different classes.
The stories plot and major characters
The opening statement in the story of "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" introduces people to unappealing family: a manipulating and a vain grandmother; her passive baby and wife, her son Bailey and their difficult children, John Wesley and June Star. Grandma was so racist simply because she was a southern white lady who discriminated the Negroes. She actually thinks that she is better than anyone else because she is just a woman. Grandma is definitely dishonest, racist, selfish and above all she is so quick to judge.
Grandma didn`t believe in equal treatment at all. She actually believed that the white people were not supposed to be treated the same as the black people.
Grandma is a cold-hearted lady and she does not care whether she does hurt people or affect anyone`s feelings. Grandma can actually be described as being dishonest, racist, quick to judge and very racist. According to O`Connor (208) the family strategizes to travel on holiday from their home which is in Georgia to the Florida. Startled by newspaper accounts of an absconded offender, The Misfit, the grandma tries to convince the family to adjust their holiday terminus away from the locality of the elusive. Derided for her concern, she responds by concealing her cat in the car against her son's wishes. During their long trip through Georgia the grandmother relates the story of a nearby plantation house with a secret panel. The story fires the children's interest, consequently forcing Bailey to take an unplanned detour down a rough dirt road in search of the house. Suddenly, the grandmother realizes that her memory has deceived her. In her acute embarrassment, she involuntarily releases the cat from its hiding place, causing Bailey to lose control of the car.
Author says that as the family members struggle to free themselves from the ensuing wreck, three men in an ominous black car appear on the horizon. The grandmother's blurted recognition of The Misfit seals her family's fate and, in spite of her desperate attempts to win the convict's confidence, each of her family members is taken separately into the woods and shot (168).
Left alone with The Misfit, the...
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