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Journal Entry 4

Essay Instructions:
I already choose one of rule is the rule NO.54 \"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper\"
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April 2013
Journal 4 for my Thesis
* What specific topic do you plan to focus on for your synthesis?
In my synthesis, I plan on focusing on giving the reader the main idea that is conveyed on which is "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." I have been reading about different types of diets and I find this idea to be very applicable. I would start by talking about the different types of diets and how this idea is generally applicable. I would also focus on the beneficial effects of this idea and support it with medical and scientific facts. I will dwell with the scientific information that is provided in Pollan`s writings and provide deeper explanations and meanings for those.
* What is your rough thesis statement? In other words, what argument will you assert and support
The main idea is what I will assert in this paper. I would integrate into my writings the facts that is needed to support my main idea which will be -
"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." Part of our everyday lives is eating and most of us should have a good diet and live by good eating habits. This quote is somewhat very beneficial to live by as it teaches us to live healthy in a general and basic way. Living by this kind of principle is beneficial and might as well be essential for a healthy lifestyle.
* Please share your plan for successfully completing this assignment.  What sources/specific quotations or facts do you plan on using to support your thesis?
For completing this thesis, I need to put emphasis on the sources that I would include to this paper. I plan on reading more about the topic and as of now, I have a tentative flow of ideas that I plan on integrating on my paper. First, I would talk about diets, from definition, benefits to how it can affect our lives. Then I would provide some ideas on the what`s, why`s and how`s of nutrition to better pave the way for the ideas that I will be giving. Then I would then integrate my main notion and provide information on its properties. I would provide basic scientific knowledge to support my stand. I would also try to share some scientific studies that might support my analysis about the topic.
Sources that I consider to include in my thesis tentatively are:
Webpages: -nutritional-supplement.com/diets.html
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