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Jeep Wrangler - How to Remove the Hard Top

Essay Instructions:

you should choose one AD first and approve by the Professor.

Choose one AD from yourself and second should be approve by professor and then you can analyze.

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Video Ad Analysis
In the advertisement titled Jeep Wrangler - How to Remove the Hard Top, one can see how the cap of a jeep is safely and quickly removed by two young girls. This advertisement has been presented by the Jeep brand and World Surf League. Malia Manuel and Courtney Conlogue can be seen walking on the sand and having some fun together. The purpose of this 2.57 minutes advertisement is to let the viewer know how the cap of a jeep can be removed in a couple of minutes. The performance of the two girls is admirable, so as the cinematography of this advertisement. As they walk to their jeep, Malia Manuel and Courtney Conlogue decide to take the cap of the vehicle off so that the sunlight could enter the car and their bodies could get some heat. The video begins with the introduction of Courtney and Malia, and after the first fifteen seconds, the two girls come toward their car and are about to leave for the house. As they were here on the seaside to spend quality time with each other, there is no need for the viewer to be sympathetic to the two girls. However, one may think that it is not going to be easy for these beautiful girls to take the cap off, but every step has been clearly shown in this advertisement of how they make it possible.
A beach point or seaside has been promoted in this advertisement, and it looks amazing. There are hundreds to thousands of Americans who love to go to the beach for swimming. Some of them are found to be busy with water sports and other similar activities, all of which require a great amount of strength and stamina. As is mentioned by James Gordon Finlayson in his article titled The Work of Art and the Promise of Happiness in Adorno, every artwork is made for a particular group of people and that internal satisfaction lies in how nicely the message has been conveyed (Finlayson 3). This advertisement is specifically made for Americans who frequently go to the beach in their jeeps. The only implication is that it is too difficult for girls to remove the top of a jeep. Though Malia Manuel and Courtney Conlogue can be seen using different equipment to make it possible, it is slightly complicated and may take a girl more than enough time. Malia Manuel and Courtney Conlogue look tired and bored, wanting to let the sunlight enter their car while they drive home. However, the only way to allow the sunlight to enter the vehicle is by removing the red-colored jeep’s cap. Instead of compromising on the situa...
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