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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Respond To One Of The Essays In Appendix A

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Respond To One Of The Essays In Appendix A 

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Language and Literature
Language is the medium of communication used by people in a community or a nation for communicating efficiently. Every country has a national language that people from every community can understand hence the language is used to unify the nation. English has been America's national language over a period of time (Koester 2015). English has been taught in school for everyone to learn in including the immigrants who grow up in America. Recently, America began embracing the need to learn more than two languages which always has consequences. Teachers are now multilingual, TV channels are offered also in other languages such as Spanish, Chinese, and Japan etc. Countries have now allowed more than one language to be a national language. Governments of such countries understand the role of multiple languages in their systems. Being able to speak more than one language is a valuable skill and it should be encouraged across all nations. Citizens will feel free to take part in all the nation’s activities.
Embracing multiple in a nation has advantages and disadvantages to the country. To begin with, embracing multiple languages is a way of appreciating culture. This gives the citizens a sense of belonging to the country. This also makes the citizens proud of their diversities and who they really are. This is also fair to those immigrants who never got a chance to learn the national language and they can use their language for communication. However, several challenges come up with these multiple languages. The greatest problem is division; languages divide people according to their languages creating ...
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