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The Novel contrast Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

You have read several innovative graphic narratives this semester including Robert Crumb's Kafka biography and Dan Clowes's short novel The Death-Ray.  On another page or two, type up a 400 word essay contrasting the obsessions of Crumb, Clowes, and Dominguez.

More than Money: A Memoir by Claudia Dominguez is a graphic novel that recounts the true story of how the author’s family recovered their father after he was kidnapped in Mexico City. The reader will feel the helplessness of the kidnapping but also be heartened by the humor and warmth of people who find themselves in a crisis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Novel contrast
Narratives have been used to spread messages for decades now, there are various ways of doing so, and visual verbal have gained popularity among the various methods. The narrative art has gained popularity both to the readers and the author because of the low-cost technology needed today to create one.
More than money memoir by Claudia Dominguez can be observed as a graphic memoir where the author tries to serve his audience with an artistic exorcism of his experiences through dramatic visuals that initiate into the fear, violence and the resilience of surviving the kidnapping of the family member. She tries to uncover the feelings that come with safety compromise, fear of losing a loved one and distortion of peace that on normal days is taken for granted. Claudia through his writing narrates how criminal hegemony infiltrates the aspects of life to the community in Mexico. She goes further to show how criminal hegemony reshapes cultures, families, nation, and lives of the individuals around the activity. Sometimes what is on the papers, and television news has the ability to deliver the news but it does not offer the personal connection of the news with the audience. However, with More Than Money, the author does an impressive work of linking personally with the news of kidnappings, the emotions that contort the survivors, behavior, and the sense of safety. She reconstructs the audience thoughts and creates a new perception of emotions and the thoughts of losing a loved one.
The Death Ray by Clowes was first published in 2004 for a newspaper issue but it was independently released in 2011. Clowes creatively uses a unique cinematic method of flashback to the 1970s to the present day occurrences. The narrative revolves around a young man dubbed Andy who accounts for his childhood events that led him to opt to live alone, with...
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