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Effects of Technology and How It Can Be Better Used

Essay Instructions:

1. Readings:

The Dalai Lama's "Ethics and the New Genetics"

Peter Singer's "Visible Man: Ethics in a World Without Secrets"

2. Answer this question in the paper:

How can new technology that affects an individual's health and the right to privacy be used in an ethical manner? (In other words, what "moral compass" is needed to ensure that modern technologies are not used to harm people?)

3. Requirments:

One introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one paragraph for the conclusion.

Each body paragraph should include one quote from both authors, that is total six quotes.

4. Five Full Pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Effects of Technology and How It Can Be Better Used
Technology has brought a big impact in the society today, and it continues to expand day by day. New technological devices are being developed which are affecting human beings. Before the introduction of technology to society, life was like a burden because daily chores meant that humans would spend a lot of time on them. Things like communication by then were a long process compared to today whereby people have to make a call and message is gotten. Education is immensely taken root in today’s society. As a result, technology is also developing. It has taken control of various fields like transport and medicine as it has eased their process. As a result of technology being efficient and reliable, our lives have now been simplified. For example, with the current technology, it can only take a few minutes to wash clothes, unlike the old days where washing clothes could take like a whole day.
Importance of technology and its effects
Technology should be appreciated as it has created more time for people to do other important things. As Technology I praised, It is good not to forget that it also came with its disadvantages. Technology has immensely affected today’s society negatively. It has made people’s lives to be more complicated and has also impacted negatively the social factor which used to be there in the traditional community. People concentrate more on technological devices and find less time to interact with others. In the past, people usually had time to socialize with others.
Technology has eased education in a modern system as students can easily find learning materials on the internet, this means that they barely think on their own since everything they want to read is readily available thus weakening their memories. Some websites on the internet will auto-correct any grammar mistakes made by students while writing thus making them fail to understand grammar or even spell words correctly.
With the new technology, it is easy to share ideas with other people. Social media is one of the platforms where people can post anything they want including their feelings, what they are doing and even allow people they do not know their whereabouts. All this information is collected without their knowledge. Wikileaks, a website which can collect information and data anonymously has exposed many secrets including government secrets. Efforts have been made to close down this website but have been unsuccessful since this website is mirrored to many other websites. This website is not the only platform which is able to leak information CITATION Pet \l 1033 (Singer).
There are also people who can hack into sensitive systems like those of governments and acquire any important information which is there. This has extended even to people whereby private information of people is leaked to mention a few. Everybody has a right to privacy, but with the current technology, it is quite hard to have that. With the standards in society today, people believe that when many people do a thing, it becomes less risky. For example, women wear short dresses in this modern society. This was not right in traditional society, but because now many women wear short dresses, a lady will find no risk of wearing one CITATION Pet \l 1033 (Singer).
The same thing applies to technology, people used not to share private information in the social media, but now because many people are doing so, they find no risk of sharing anything about themselves in social media. The governments are now storing more sensitive information using technology, information like that of...
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