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James Joyce as a short story writer (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

a 5 page essay on James Joyce as a short story writer. The paper should have some of his short stories such as Evelyn, Araby and the sisters. Discuss his short story writing style etc. Use references from some of the books written about him 1) A reader's guide to James Joyce by William York Tindall. 2) Joyce: A critical Introduction by H. levin. 3) Joyce: The critical Heritage by R.H Denning.

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James Joyce as a short story writer
Joyce mainly uses integrated elements in her short stories. These elements include naturalism and poetic mysticism. In his creative writing, he considers elegant imagination, rhythm, pervasive compassion, and intonation. Besides, he has applied irony to the situation and mythology. Joyce's precise opinion of arguments and language as element cells of the stories' body is Very profound and inventive that still, criticizers are probing for investigation of ambiguity in her work. His innovation comes from the extraordinary use of language (William 267). He not only covers form of language in his working but also he creates new work. He did not observe any rule of writing, and hence his work was free.
In some of his work, Joyce thought that some of his characters must be invisible, which means expressing his viewpoint was unnecessary. But rather, he ought to express other men's experiences. Therefore he encouraged other artists and his individuality from all ethics, political and religious pressure (William 206). Therefore in his short stories, he used some features and themes present in most of his work. Therefore I shall discuss some of the themes and features that were in his short stories.
Corruption is a dominant theme in Joyce's short stories: impurity, deterioration, unreasonableness, or immorality. Since corruption hinders development, it is thoroughly connected to the subject of paralysis — and definitely, corruption is nearly as widespread in Dubliners as the theme of paralysis. Once more, Joyce presents his theme at a grasp. In the short story the sisters, in the second paragraph, the author introduces simony, which sells participants through the Catholic Church for mercies and other favors of which bishop Flynn has been found guilty. This theme is also demonstrated in An Encounter .the narrator states that the pure love of Manga sisters is tainted and efficiently paralyzed by his uncle. The theme of corruption is set from childhood to the adult corruption perspective. Corruption proceeds in numerous appearances all over the book
Death is another major theme in Joyce's writings. He relates this subject carefully to the corruption and shortness of much energy. Paralysis frequently heads passing away, and bribery might be defined as subsequent from a divine or ethical death. In the short story, the sisters Joyce introduces this theme where the sisters are due to Flynn's demise. Whose protagonist sees his body face to face. Afterward, death keeps an eye on d in Dubliners: Dead is the minister who previously survived in the household in "Araby"; the physical death is not the only one discussed in Joyce's writing. he also includes the moral and the spiritual death
Psychology is another dominant theme. Just like any other modern and European writer, James was very interested in all aspects of modern culture. He concentrated more on the ideas of taboos, hypocritical moral values, and sexual cruelty. Joyce's writing realization technique illusion was out of control in all the plot's convections and character construction. For instance, in Eveline's short story, Eveline's indefiniteness and subsequent indecision are mainly an outcome of women's place in society at that period. She is stated as powerless, and she believes she is powerless. The distorted moral values are also present where her father begins to threaten her, and he clarifies himself that he is doing so for the sake of her dead mother though this does not affect her because she has used to violence. These moral values are also manifested in Araby's short story.
Just like many other European writers, James was caught between the two main controversial literary influences in the present time. These were symbolism and realism. He, therefore, did not isolate any of these writings, but rather he integrated them and used both in his writings. In his writing, the main style of writing was modernism....
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