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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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I’ve Been Paralyzed Since I Was Three (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Please use this space to claim one point Taussig makes in her essay. Please start your claim with the phrase: In her essay, Taussig is saying that.... Once you have stated your explain, switch into a more informal stance and explain the claim through your point of view. Please note that a claim is different from a lesson. Taussig is not telling us what we should or shouldn't do.

Notice the differences in the wording here:

Taussig is saying that we should be more sensitive to the disabled. Notice the word should which tells us what we ought to do or how to behave.

Taussig is saying that people tend to make more assumptions about the disabled that are infantilizing and condescending. Notice how the statement is declarative without instruction. Notice the difference is authority.

I would like you to go with the direct statement. Try to write statements with out the words should or ought. Do not tell us what she is teaching the reader. Draft your statement so that the sentence is an assertion of what Taussig saying in her essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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In her essay, Taussig is saying that positivity tends to go beyond its genuine function, thereby negatively impacting differently-abled persons like her. This article describes the difficulty of adopting others' kindness toward people like her just because they lack the features or capacities of what society thinks is a “normal” individual. Her disability is treated as a unique attribute that must be taken care of forever. This thinking is harmless. Nevertheless, Taussig implies that its harmlessness tends to affect her unconstructively.
From the time that we understand words, all of us are taught to be kind to everyone regardless of age, gender, status, and so on. However, the elders also encouraged us to be more superior to those who are thought of as “abnormal” or those with deficiencies. No one ...
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