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The Differences of Taras and Andri

Essay Instructions:

Rubric for Taras/Andri Essay

MLA Format (20 points)


The heading goes in the upper left-hand corner and should include:

Your Name My Name English 1011

14 February 2021

 In the upper right-hand corner of every page there should be a header with your last name and the page number

 Every Essay needs a title. It should be centered. Do not bold, underline or italicize the title. The title needs to be creative and original!

  Use Times New Roman 12 font. Double space.

 Indent the beginnings of each paragraph.

Citations Properly Formatted (30 points)

In-text citations need to be sandwiched. That means each quotation should be introduced with a signal phrase or an introductory sentence. Then put in the quote (with quotation marks around it. Then have parenthesis with the page number). Then explain or analyze the quote.

Never put two quotes back to back without the analysis or explanation of the significance.

It is important that you use quotes from the text to analyze for the comparison/contrast of Taras and Andri. Your analysis of the quotes should make up the bulk of this essay.

Look over the handout I posted on Blackboard about quoting. Make sure to format precisely!!!

Don’t forget the Works Cited Page!

 Introduction Paragraph (20 points)

For this essay I want you to pay special attention to your introductory paragraph. Your paper should begin with a hook- something to get the readers’ interest.

Next you need to introduce your topic. For this paper you will introduce the characters of Taras and Andri. You can briefly describe them and any important plot details (briefly) You will smoothly transition to a thesis.

You will end this paragraph with a thesis statement. The thesis statement is one sentence which sums up what you are arguing in the rest of your essay. Your thesis statement for this assignment will argue something about the characters of Andri and Taras.

For example: While Taras Bulba has devoted himself entirely to a culture of hatred and misogyny, loyally embracing the Cossack brotherhood over his own family, Andri shows an entirely different nature: he has a gentle disposition, he is loving and respectful of women, and he prefers love and peace over hatred and war. Or:

Taras Bulba is a proud warrior who devotes his life to loyally defending his religion and the Cossack Brotherhood, while his younger son, Andri, betrays his religion and nation for a girl.

These are just examples of how you can approach a thesis for this paper. The question is- what do you want to argue about these two characters? Put it into a sentence that is clear and specific. Whatever points you mention in that thesis statement should help you create your topic sentences. Each point is a different topic and each point should be addressed in a different paragraph.

You want your introductory paragraph to be approximately a half of a page to a third of a page. After your heading, it is possible that it can take up the entire first page of your essay.

Body Paragraphs (30 points)

For this assignment, I would like you to have at least three or four body paragraphs. 

 You can have a paragraph that discusses the same topic with both Andri and Taras.

For example, Taras is a misogynist, while Andri respects women. If that is your topic sentence, your paragraph will analyze both Taras and Andri in terms of the misogyny or respect. 

Then you would move on to a paragraph about another topic and focus on how Taras and Andri are different. So it could be that Taras hates people of other religions while Andri doesn’t acknowledge the differences. So there you might discuss Taras and the Polish people or Taras and the Jews. Then move on to how Andri goes to help them (with the bread). 

The other way to organize a comparison/contrast essay is to have one paragraph about Taras:

Taras Bulba is a misogynist. Then that whole paragraph is about his hatred of women. Your next paragraph would be about Andri and how he differs from Taras.


Andri does not share his father’s hatred of women, but he actually loves and respects women.

(These are simplified sentences to show you the way to structure the paper)

Each paragraph should have topic sentence that supports your thesis statement. You will build your paragraphs by summary, paraphrase or quotes along with your analysis of the textual references.

Paragraphs should be between half a page and two-thirds of a page. If you have a paragraph that takes up a full page, it will not be appreciated by your readers. You also might get off topic of the paragraph is too long. If you have this issue, see where you might be able to break up your paragraph and have two instead of one. If a paragraph is less than five sentences it might need more development. Short paragraphs are ok on occasion for emphasis, but try to keep your paragraphs between five and ten sentences

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Taras and Andri Comparison/Contrast Essay
Taras Bulba is among the best poetic fiction in Russia. The characters in the narrative are skillfully crafted with well-thought composition and completeness of the elements and style. The story presents a complex and creative history with a combination of historical concreteness, realism, and a romantic narrative's pathos traits. The story is founded on the image of a national liberation struggle of the Ukrainians. Gogol works on this story and employs various chronicles and scientific sources while he draws from folk poetry especially traditional songs and thoughts. The protagonist in the narrative is Taras, featured as a participant and spokesperson for the national liberation movement. The narrative's complexity can be appreciated by a critical review of the characters, attitudes, and treatment of women of Taras and his sone Andrii.
The narrative introduces Taras in a peaceful home environment in the era of a short respite between the military exploits. Bulba is a proud father to Ostap and Andrii. Tara is a religious person who believes that spiritual education is the only desire for his sons. The main thing, according to him, is combat training. The author describes Taras stating that all of him was created for abusive anxiety and distinguished by his disposition's rude directness. Taras is not a family hearth. After a long separation from his sons, he hurriedly takes them to the Sich, to the Cossacks. Sich is a region where people are free and equal; strong and courageous individuals are brought up. Taras is dedicated to attaining the freedom and independence of his fatherland. Taras is gentle to his comrades and ruthless to the enemy. He punishes Polish tycoons and defends the oppressed and the disadvantaged. The character is reflected as a mighty image where the author notes, "like and the extraordinary phenomenon of Russian power" (Gogol, n.p). Taras is also a wise and experienced leader of the military. He is distinguished by the ability to move the army and the intense hate of the enemies. However, he is not opposed to the environment. He loves the simple life of the Cossacks and does not stand out among them.
The brave nature of Taras is displayed in various aspects of the story. He sneaks into the territory of the enemy, hoping to see his son. The scenes of the father and the eldest son also stand out in the narrative. There are a lot of people, and Taras helplessly watches his son taken to the execution place. The tragic conflict between Taras and Andrii is expressively depicted. Love does not bring Andrii happiness as the lady prevented him from associating with his comrades, father, and fatherland. It is a situation that does not warrant forgiveness, even for the bravest person in Cossack. The author notes that "He disappeared, disappeared ingloriously, like a mean dog ..." The issue brings up the point that nothing can justify treason to the motherland. In the scenes of filicide, a reader sees the greatness ...
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