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Sneakerheadz: Elaboration of Self-Expression, Freedom, and Technology

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From the previous essay, please extend two more pages after first page for the rough draft. Let me know if you need additional document.

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Rough Draft for Analyzing Movie
The fashion industry plays a vital role in escalating the debate on self-expression. Since its inception into the market arena, the fashion industry has led to employment creation and contributed to the uplifting of self-esteem for various people. Arguably, fashion enthusiasts aver that people are likely to feel more confident if their clothes match their identity, personality, and mood. The documentary, Sneakerheadz, directed by David Friendly and Mick Partridge, illustrates the lengths humans are willing to pursue self-expression. Besides, the film directors demonstrate that one can become a fashion slave. Increased sneaker collecting habits can lead to hoarding and escalate the occurrence of violence.
The documentary begins by showcasing the directors listening to people’s accounts who identify themselves through sneakers. For instance, in the documentary, an interviewee asserted that his love for sneakers is uncontrollable and “it’s basically like Frankenstein, you create a monster that needs to be fed” (Sneakerheadz 0:28:07-0:28:10). A Japanese sneaker-head named Hommyo Hidefumi confessed how he travels to America from Japan to purchase trendy sneakers. Conversely, the case of another sneaker-head who avers that sometimes he forfeits paying rent to buy a shoe is distressing. Notably, such confessions are a reflection that, if not controlled, fashion can lead to hoarding habits.
Based on the documentary, freedom without boundaries is not autonomy but a mental illness. For example, David Ortiz, one of the interviewees in the film, affirmed that “a sneakerheadz is a person with OCD, Obsessive Consumption Disorder” (Sneakerheadz 0:25:32-0:25:37). Arguably, the desire to keep buying new shoes that one will never wear is alarming. Through their documentary, Friendly and Partridge illustrate that fashion can become an unseen disorder that can lead to hoarding if not controlled. Accordingly, through the film, it is evident that the characters identify their personality and mood by purchasing only the most unique sneakers in the market.
The film uses pathos, ethos, and logos to demonstrate sneaker collecting habits. An example of pathos in the movie is when someone told Anthony Carmello, a character, that he had a disease, and he admitted to the statement. Conversely, the actions of most characters demonstrate the use of ethos in the documentary. For example, a Japanese shoe fanatic (Hommyo Hidefumi) asserts how he travels to America close to nine or ten times to purchase sneakers (Friendly and Partridge). Accordingly, the film contains various scenes that illustrate the logos’ concept since all characters aim to convince the audience by using logic and reason. Besides, the characters in the film demonstrate this concept by showcasing the various shoes they po...
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