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Issue with Binky (Literature & Language Essay)

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Issue with Binky
Good morning Mrs. Carpenter. I hope this finds you well. I am writing to you regarding an issue you had with Binky, the pet you bought from us. Some destruction occurred when you went on a cruise and left Binky home. It broke its door and caused a significant mess within your hose. I know this mess would not be easy to sort. However, you may need to work well and bring your house to order before sorting Binky. I hope this is done quickly and adequately.
You raised a serious concern about the damages caused by Ninky and wrote a letter to our manager. You needed some items to be sorted, such as the one hundred and fifty thousand dollar carpet. I know the cumulative damage is relatively high and depressing. As this may be a genuine concern, I am afraid it is not within our mandate to compensate you. I know this will not rub you well, but it comes after careful consideration and detailed examination of our trade systems and style. You may revisit the clauses in our purchase agreement to understand my statement further. The right side of it is that the Buffalo Zoo can adopt Binky, train it, and take it back to live normally with other animals. This is an option you will need to consider as the relationship between you two is growing awful daily. I say this after a lengthy discussion with the zoo management over the last few days. Better still, I ...
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