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R.Stevenson’s "Jekyll and Hyde" and Conan Doyle’s "The Speckled Band"

Essay Instructions:

What elements of emerging modernism (the Modern Period in English literature) can be traced in Robert Stevenson’s "Jekyll and Hyde" and Conan Doyle’s "The Speckled Band"? At least one secondary source and MLA formatting are the requirements of this assignment; in-text citations, if any ideas come from other sources, should be clearly identified by proper referencing.

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Emerging modernism in Jekyll and Hyde and Speckled Band
Over the years, literature scholars have significantly changed their style of presenting their ideas. In the modern English literature period that began in the 20th century and remained till 1965, the scholars have adopted new ways of sharing information. Although in the previous era’s experimentation, symbolism, individualism, and formalism were highly discouraged, these elements have become virtues with the onset of the modern period.
In the book “Jekyll and Hyde,” Robert Stevenson explores the complexities of science and the deception of human nature. Dr. Jekyll –a kind, bright, and cherished scientist, tries to interfere with science's darker side to bring out a second nature. In his efforts, he transforms into Mr. Hyde – an evil-ego character who does not accept accountability for his immoral misconduct and behaviors. On the other hand, “The Adventure of Speckled Band” is Sherlock Holmes short story written by Conan Doyle. In the story, Sherlock Holmes examines the circumstances of a young bride-to-be whose sister was killed. Julia was murdered before her wedding by her stepfather, Roylott.
In these two books, the elements of modern literature have been significantly used. Robert Stevenson’s uses symbolism to describe Jekyll’s laboratory and house. The author describes the place as having “a great air of wealth and comfort” (Stevenson, 20), while the laboratory is characterized as “a certain sinister block of building thrust forward its gable on the street” “and bore in every feature, the marks of prolonged and sordid negligence” (Stevenson, 5). The deteriorated laboratory symbolizes the unethical and stubborn Hyde, while the beautiful and affluent house describes the honest and reputable Jekyll. Similarly, the author describes Hyde's physical appearance as small, shrunken, ugly, deformed, and hairy, symb...
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