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Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morality

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On the Genealogy of Morality
Friedrich Nietzsche states that Although human beings are permitted to promise, their standard nature cannot always allow them to keep and fulfil the promises made. Most people find themselves on the verge of various broken promises, considering their nature of forgetfulness. According to Nietzsche (35), man could be forgetting the acquired information to create room for storage of the incoming events. How does forgetfulness relate to absorbing more details? Can a man not accommodate everything in mind without having to put the previously acquired data at the stake of loss? One wonders if the importance of the information matters if people can opt to discard it. However, Nietzsche (35) shows that people cannot enjoy or rather have a happy life without forgetting. Eventually, the happiness surrounding a man’s life is probably articulated to forgetfulness. Although some people may believe that they find satisfaction in forgetting, they should remember that memory is a moral responsibility, especially in the case of promises.
The idea that forgetfulness yields happiness in a man’s life is contradictory. How are people supposed to be happy when they cannot at least remember the promises they made to one another? While the issue may be an advantage to the forgetting people since they do not have to carry the burden of knowing they have a task to execute, it is a significant disadvantage to the people expecting the promise to be fulfilled. Thus, it only favors one side, meaning that some people will eventually be unhappy. How then is forgetfulness related to happiness? It is paradoxical to believe that the world would be a better place if people did not have to remember anything and have to erase the past information for the current and expected things. The happiness would get into a better position if it impacted every person in the human population positively.
Nietzsche argues that man would not be happy without forgetfulness, but this claim is not a reliable way of gauging someone’s satisfaction. Besides, man has a memory which is an opposite faculty of forgetfulness (Nietzsche, 35). However, it only applies to certain essential cases like the instance where promises are made. While people may forget somethings, there are the crucial aspects they cannot forget that get stored in mind until the actual fulfilment of the made promise. Therefore, they ought to find happiness in not failing but fulfilling promises to other people. It is eventually right that both forgetfulness and memory are strong health forms in a human being, depending on the issue and the people related to the situation in question. None of these positions justifies the true definition of people, regarding association with each other and what they enjoy in the context of life.
On the other hand, the position of forgetfulness, memory, and the ordinary life of man accounts for the history of responsibility. Looking into the statement that humans are animals permitted to promise reveals that remembering and fulfilling the promise is actual responsibility-taking and what they are supposed to do. (Nietzsche, 36) argues that the action would add up to mor...
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