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Introduction To Speech: Moral Qualities

Essay Instructions:

introduction speech.

Explain the three moral qualities that I think my major needs.


major: social psyc

moral value: honesty. responsibility and kindness.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Instructor Course Date INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH Good morning ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor and privilege to introduce to you some of the moral qualities that I think are important in social psychology. Moral character is the evaluations of the moral qualities of a person. The concept of the character comprises of a variety of attributes like courage, honesty, fortitude, loyalty, responsibility or any good behavior habits. Alternatively, social psychology is a branch of psychology that majors with the social interaction of human beings including their origin. There are some of the qualities that I believe they are important in the field of social psychology. These qualities include kindness, honesty, and responsibility. The purpose of this speech is to explain my core moral values of people. Honesty is a moral character that connects both the virtuous and positive attributes like integrity, straightforwardness, and truthfulness. Honesty also involves being loyal fair and sincere. Honesty is all about telling the truth, being real with yourself and other people. Honesty promotes openness among the people, empowers us and enables us to have consistency in how we present our ideas and facts. Additionally, honesty sharpens the perception and allows people to observe everything around them with clarity. The opposite of deception is deception. Lying is equally bad whether a person is deceiving others or themselves. Honesty ensures that people are able to maintain the longevity of their relationships. On the other hand, responsibility a major issue in the laws of o...
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