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Introduction to Games Studies: Mobile Gaming

Essay Instructions:

Short Answer Summary (10 points/5 points per question):

The final assignment for this course is a take-home exam that will first task you with answering a series of short answer questions focused on examining the assigned videogames and readings that we have been reviewing/playing throughout the semester. There are five available short answer questions to choose from and you must provide a 250-350 word written or 2-3 minute recorded slide/video/audio response to TWO of them of your choosing. For these questions, you will be graded on a combination of your answer's writing quality (clarity, spelling, grammar, etc.) and the specificity with which you support your answer. Additionally, please ensure that you are addressing all aspects of your selected questions within your answers and that whenever possible/applicable that you are attempting to utilize the specific terms, theories, and concepts that we have discussed within the lectures and assigned readings from throughout this course.

1. Based on the readings and discussions from this semester, describe at least one notable change that the field of game studies had undergone across the course of its existence. Briefly explain at least one aspect of broader culture that may have influenced this change.

2. Briefly define ONE of the following terms: materiality, affect, or embodiment. In addition to this definition, please provide a short explanation for why your selected term is/has been important to the academic study of video games. Please use at least one specific example (a videogame, a piece of hardware, a streamer, etc.) to support your answer.

3. Briefly explain how the practices of modding and/or hacking have significantly influenced the trajectory of videogame culture and/or the videogame industry. Please use at least one specific example (a videogame, a mod or ROM hack, a game developer, etc.) to support your answer.

4. Briefly provide a definition and at least one example of playbour and/or a ludic economy. Additionally, please provide a short explanation for why these topics are increasingly important for the field of game studies to focus on.

5. Pick one of the games that were assigned as a "Game of the Week" in any module from this course. Briefly review how it was discussed in relation its respective module's theme and then explain a way of critically looking at it using the concepts, theories, and/or key terms from another module. (For example, looking at Spelunky Classic through informal game development, or Fortnite through the queer art of failure.)

Essay Summary (25 points): In the second portion of this assignment, you will be asked to write a 750-1250 word written essay or record a 7-10 minute slide/video presentation on one or two videogames (or a specific aspect of videogame culture) of your own choosing. When planning your assignment, think about all of the texts we have read throughout the course as potential examples to try and emulate. How did their authors choose to pair particular videogames and theoretical frameworks? What kinds of videogames or aspects of videogame culture did they focus on to make their arguments? With all of this in mind, what is a concept (mechanic, fandom, community, practitioner, platform, tool, plotline, character, etc.) that you find to be particularly exciting and how might you develop some sort of defendable thesis that is focused on it?

The goal of this assignment should be to provide a novel and insightful argument that could potentially be interesting or useful to another game studies scholar. What are some areas that you think are lacking within the field that deserve more attention? Or what are some topics that could benefit from being analyzed from a perspective that you believe they aren’t often examined from? If you are having trouble deciding on what you want to focus on, think back to your reading response assignments, would any of the ideas within them function as potential topics? If you are having trouble thinking of an essay topic, here is a shortlist of potential ideas to get you started (please do not feel pressure to adhere to these topics if you had another idea for your essay):

1. You could do another game analysis essay as we did previously in the course and try to present a ludic, narrative, aesthetic, or technical aspect of a particular game in an interesting and critical way.

2. You could use one of your essay ideas that you wrote as part of the utility section of any of your three reading responses.

3. You could critically look at how a particular game handles the representation of race, gender, or sexuality.

4. You could critically look at how a particular game includes/features monetization, microtransactions, or elements of playbour.

5. You could critically look at how a particular game produced affect or feelings of embodiment through its hardware, UI choices, immersive elements, and/or control schemes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Introduction to Games Studies
A: Short Answer Summary
Question 1: Mobile Gaming and Diversification.
The gaming industry is a forever evolving industry, with video games have been around for around a decade providing gamers with unlimited entertainment. The current complex and sophisticated games came from the initial versions of Atari and Nintendo, back in the days of limited sounds and pixelated screens. One of the notable changes that have been evident in the gaming industry is mobile gaming and diversification (Liu). The significant surge in mobile gaming has changed the entire gaming industry. The emergence of mobile gaming has resulted in new genres of games bringing with it new monetization models. The rise has resulted from increased technology, making smartphones easily accessible hence the diversification of the gaming life and audience. The online gaming culture has been the most significant factor that has stimulated the rise of mobile gaming.
Question 3: Modding in Gaming.
Modding in video games is where gamers alter one or more aspects of a game according to their specifications. The modifications can be in the form of how the game behaves or looks; the modes can range from simple changes like the look of the game to overhauls of the entire game. Adjusting a game using pre-existing preferences and settings should not confuse Modding. A gamer can download mods for a video game over the internet and install them in the game to achieve the modifications desired (Bilińska-Reformat). Mods for video games have been a common trend and have benefited the games' commercialization because they add depth to the original game. An example of an overhaul mode for a video game is GTA 5, which added new weather systems, vehicle handling, and visual effects to the original game.
B: Essay Summary
Social Realism in Video Games: Red Dead Redemption 2
The Red Dead Redemption 2 by Rockstar Games is available on Xbox, PS4, Microsoft Windows, and Google Stadia. The Red Dead Redemption 2 is arguably the most realistic game ever developed in every element of social realism. The video game covers the lives of an outlaw gang in the United States in 1899 as lawmen hunt them in the Wild West era ("Rockstar Games"). Social realism in the gaming world depicts contemporary everyday life in games, but developers must grapple with the question of action when developing games that depict the real world. Realism in gaming establishes correspondence with specific activities in the social reality of the gamer; realism also revisits the material substratum of the medium for the game.
Additionally, realism in the gaming industry is a broad spectrum and covers visual realism, mechanical realism, historical realism, and character realism. On visual realism, a gamer expects that a shooter, for example, should have some accuracy and ballistics, an aspect that the Red Dead Redemption 2 has excelled. On the other hand, mechanical reality can be limited in that a game controller has a limited number of buttons; hence the game cannot match the real world one hundred percent. An example of the difference between the mechanics of the real world and video game reality is that a real-world runner will have to slow down before taking a turn because of the dynamics of momentum in the real world (Droll). However, in a video game, such dynamics are usually ignored, and gamer expects the game character to respond almost immediately to their inputs. Therefore, reducing mechanical reality can help improv...
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