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Injustice in Education for International Students in the USA

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The Topic is injustice in education in the United States for international students. I wish the writer can provide some personal experience to make the essay more appealing to the audience. The writer only needs to finish part one of the portfolio.

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Injustice in Education for International Students in the USA
Injustices in education among international students in the United States of America (USA) is a significant problem experienced in many higher education institutions. Besides, classifying people by culture, race, ethnicity, skin color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, or social status is a common phenomenon. For instance, international students in American universities are categorized as African Americans, Asians, or Hispanics among other groups. This classification contributes to unequal treatment in universities and colleges. Racial discrimination entails treating people unfavorably based on their personal characteristics, such as skin color or race. Besides, xenophobia is the prejudice against individuals from specific regions. Injustices in education among international students, such as discrimination against foreigners, in American universities is a significant issue that adversely affects these learners’ academic performances. Additionally, the paper depicts how university structures and domestic students contribute to the issue of racial discrimination, which affect international students studying in the USA.
Racial discrimination is a common problem experienced by international students in American universities and colleges. In most cases, the majority of learners in higher education institutions in the USA are whites and Hispanics. They form the dominant culture, and foreigners are expected to conform to their ways of living or doing things. Pei-Chun Tsai and Meifen Wei conducted an online survey of 258 Chinese international students studying in the USA (Tsai and Wei 352). They found out that racial discrimination was among the primary factors that contributed to numerous challenges encountered by these learners. Some respondents said that students from the dominant culture did not want to interact with them, particularly during class discussions. Notably, some white students believe that they dominate in academic performance and do not want to associate with learners who they perceive to be inferior in education. In that light, it becomes challenging for Chinese international students to interact and discuss essential academic topics since a significant proportion of American learners are not interested to share their knowledge and experiences with them. As such, international students face problems in creating and maintaining proper relationships with others.
Although many American universities and colleges offer scholarships and other learning opportunities to international students, the climate in these institutions of higher education is commonly unwelcoming to foreigners. The school orientation is done during the first days of reporting to the school to acquaint international students with various things within the vicinity. However, it does not negate the domestic students’ prejudice against foreign students. On that note, domestic learners believe that they are the best and that their academic needs should be emphasized before those of their foreigner counterparts. In most cases, whites have higher negative attitudes toward foreign students than non-whites (Quinton 156). Some of the things that contribute to this problem are university identity, conservatism, stereotypes, political affiliation, and college admission test scores. In that light, it is common to see many domestic students keeping distance from international students since they believe that they are better than foreigners. When it comes to academic resource allocation, they want to be prioritized. That becomes a significant challenge for foreign students to deal with since they are not exposed to diversity and inclusion the way they expected when reporting to American universities.
Specifically, international students’ accent when speaking English makes them discriminated against by domestic learners in American universities. Studying in a foreign country entitles foreigners to adjust to multiple things so that they can live or behave like individuals from the dominant culture. As such, some of the things that international students in the USA have to deal with include depression, anxiety, acculturative stress, social belonging, and psychological adjustme...
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