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The Creation and Maintenance of a Culture of Inclusivity and Diversity

Essay Instructions:

I need part #3 of the portfolio.

This project will be divided into four parts organized around one central topic: forms of injustice.In the first part, you will argue for a particular position; in the second part, you will elaborate onyour topic by describing a relevant cause and effect relationship; finally, you will propose a“solution” or some other forward-facing argument. The fourth part of your portfolio will be ametacognitive statement reflecting on your thinking and writing process. Although your topicmay shift a bit as you conduct more research, it should remain roughly the same across all partsof this project in order to keep the assignment consistent (and to make your lives easier).Each part of this portfolio will be turned in and receive comments individually according totheir own rubrics (which we will work on collaboratively beforehand). While you do not need towork ahead, I’ve included all prompts together to help you work strategically with your futureassignments in mind.The breakdown of each part of this essay will roughly follow:❖ Part One: Arguing a Position➢ 1000 words OR 4 pages❖ Part Two: Considering Cause and Effect➢ 750 words OR 3 pages❖ Part Three: Proposing a Solution➢ 750 words OR 3 pages❖ Part Four: Metacommentary➢ 500 words OR 2 pages❖ Total: 3000 words OR 12 pages (not including works cited or images)To ensure that your topic is a workable one, I will also ask you to submit topic proposals as youstart part one. Please note that these essays will be focusing on forms of injustice; although“injustice” can be interpreted broadly, I encourage you to choose a topic that you care about while keeping your own mental and emotional wellbeing in mind.

Portfolio Part One - Arguing a PositionDue on Canvas 8/5 by midnight | 1000 words OR 4 pagesThe goals of this essay are to…❖ identify a clear and arguable position on a specific topic❖ contextualize and support your position through formal research❖ utilize appropriate rhetorical strategies to present your argument in a clear, engaging, andpurposeful way➢ including a reflection on the possible weaknesses of your argumentYou can think of this as a standard argumentative essay; you will be developing a position andcontributing it to the conversation going on around your topic of choice. As a reminder, ouropinions are often accompanied by a level of emotional investment but they cannot be basedsolely on our emotions. Rather, they are researched, evaluated, and can change as we learn more.Having a strong sense of opinion and the ability to support it will be helpful not only in anacademic context but in your daily life as you advocate for yourself and others.The following prompt is meant to be interpreted broadly but if you’re unsure about whether youridea will be able to fully respond to what I’m asking, please discuss it with me. I will also askthat you submit topic proposals so I can be ready to support you in your research.1. In Citizen: An American Lyric, Claudia Rankine details various injustices, frommicroaggressions to structural racism. In this “introduction” to your portfolio, I wouldlike you to identify an injustice that matters to you. What is a practice that you think isunfair, unjust, harmful, violent, inhumane, ignorant, rude, silly, or simply ‘not okay’?Why do you think so?a. Please note that I ask that you incorporate a minimum of 4 sources into your essay, at least two of which must be academic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Creation and Maintenance of a Culture of Inclusivity and Diversity

Injustices in education make it challenging for international students in American universities and colleges. In particular, schools should ensure that all learners have a conducive environment so that they can obtain relevant knowledge and skills. The issue of discrimination against foreign students by their domestic counterparts has adverse consequences, including conflicts, poor academic performance, and might lead to depression. The most effective solution that can address the problem of discrimination against international students in the United States of America (USA) is the embracement of a culture of inclusivity and diversity in higher education institutions.
Individuals’ differences, such as age, race, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, social status, and skin color, are among the factors that cause discrimination against international students. Since the white culture dominates in numerous American universities, domestic students believe that they are superior to their foreign counterparts. In addition, many institutions of higher education in the USA emphasize advertising education services globally. They include pictures of all kinds of students to show inclusion and diversity, but in an actual sense they have no measure to promote cultural or racial diversity (Buckner et al. 33). In that light, when international students are admitted, they do not receive proper help to acculturate or adapt to their new environment. Due to the challenges they encounter as they try to assimilate to the dominant culture, they isolate themselves, making it extremely difficult for them to get used to their schools.
American universities and colleges should emphasize the creation and maintenance of a culture of inclusivity and diversity. Due to the rapidly changing demographic shifts and national values, the higher education institutions’ admission policies and practices should include cultural and diversity-competency strategies (Kruse et al. 734). In other words, from the time students are admitted to American universities, they should know that discriminating against international students is an offense. Schools must be in the frontline to address, mitigate, or reduce the problem of discrimination against foreign learners. In the same manner, they show a culture of inclusivity and diversity in their advertisements, they ought to have proper strategies in place to ensure that all students are equal.
The higher education institutions in the USA should consider embodying equity, diversity, and inclusivity in their vision and mission statements (Barnett 20). In reality, students cannot be transformed into responsible citizens if they cannot respect their colleagues’ cultural beliefs and norms. Although domestic learners have an advantage since they are used to the dominant culture, it should not be perceived as a weakness for international students. Besides, foreigners are admitted to American universities and colleges based on their academic merits. That is why higher education institutions should be responsible for cr...
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