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How To Improve Education How America’s Schools Can Get Better

Essay Instructions:

Essay # 2

Due: Friday November 2, 2018. Late papers marked down letter grade per class late

Format: Typed, Double-Spaced, 12 point, Indented first lines of new paragraphs, and a TITLE; Length: 2.5-3 pages

Purpose: To write a thesis essay to express your opinion about how to improve education. To summarize, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize other ideas about education in support of your thesis. To use legitimate outside sources and to learn to cite them correctly.

Topic Education

Imagine that you have been put in charge of reforming education in your country. You have permission to change or do anything that you think will improve schools and enhance learning for young people. Which ideas from the articles of the authors that we read do you think would best reflect or not reflect your ideas?

Choose three or four ideas from the reading or that you have on your own and that you think are most interesting and write an essay in which you BRIEFLY summarize the idea you like, give your opinion about why you think each idea for school reform is needed in your country, and also how and why the reform would benefit students student in your country.

The purpose of your essay is to focus on solutions NOT problems. The main goal of your essay is to think about how you would improve education for all young people.

YOU MUST MAKE references to ideas from TWO of the articles about education we have read and discussed in class. In addition, you may also do some additional research and make reference to ideas about education reform from other English language sources, but no more than one. You must cite all information correctly.

2 articles:



Essay Sample Content Preview:
How to Improve Education
The contribution of education to society is evident. Education is a prerequisite for a successful future. Also, that is the sole reason why every person is obligated to receive an education. Presently, much attention has been given to the number of graduates and percentages of education coverage than the quality of the education system. The concentration accorded education coverage is by far harmful as it assumes the red flags that that kind of system poses. Raising the levels of coverage at the expense of quality achieves very little if the students do not gain something of lasting value at school. However, federal systems have focused primarily on the number of citizens who go to school rather than on how to improve the quality education provided at the various levels of learning institutions (Boudett, K. P., City, E. A., & Murnane, R. J., p59).
Many employers have recently complained that several graduates they employ have insufficient basic skills needed for the respective job they are hired for. The employers claim that the newly hired workers have insufficient basic skills such as problem-solving as well as critical thinking. Surprisingly, these are some of the highest ranked goals for several faculties in colleges and universities. The world is dynamic; thus, person needs keep changing with time (Richard Garner, Friday 20 March 2015). Besides, technological change has also not been left behind. Therefore, with the ever-changing individual needs and interests, the education system must also be altered to cope up with the new developments.
Studies show that although teacher quality is crucial in improving the quality of education, just hiring better teachers will not do it. According to studies, improving hiring is difficult to implement. Besides, the effects of new hiring are modest and take quite a long time. For instance, if we were to raise the bar for entry into the teaching profession, it would take over three decades to get rid of the last bit who joined the teaching profession prior to raising the entry bar. Thus, raising teacher quality need the government to invest directly in the teachers who are already teaching in the various schools. Further, investing in the teachers ought to take a form that is radically distinct from the one that the teachers went through three decades ago (Reeta Chakrabarti, 2 December 2013).
Boudett, K. P., City, E. A., & Murnane, R. J. (38) notes that “reform is like a big bowl of soup. Going by this analogy, the “meat and potatoes” are the non-negotiable elements of the education quality improvement. These five non-negotiable elements are leadership, training, behavior, curriculum, and assessments. They influence the teaching ...
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