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Podcast Episode with Transcript and Statement of Goals and Choices

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I will do the podcast

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Podcast Transcript
Student: Hello, first off, how old are you?
John: I am 25 at the moment.
Student: Okay, what comes to mind when you hear the term ‘video games?’
[Acoustic piano track plays]
John: Probably a good way to kill time.
Student: Okay, so have you ever played one?
John: Yes, I have played several.
Student: Can you remember the first video game you played?
[Acoustic piano continues]
John: That is a tough one. The earliest memory I have playing a video game I think is of Super Mario Brothers.
Student: Was it the one that came pre-installed with the computer when you bought it?
John: No, I bought it separately.
Student: Oh okay. So how long did you have it?
[Upbeat pop folk guitar instrumental]
John: I did not have it for very long and, the first time I ever played it was at a friend’s house, who had a gaming console. My dad had a Commodore which he used mainly for work. The only game he had on it was Ping-Pong which I never played. I preferred Super Mario Brothers.
Student: Yes, that one is a classic. So, what is your favorite game?
John: Favorite one. This is another tough one. I would have to go with Fallout 3 because of all the games I have played, it was the most immersive, and the adventures seemed endless.
[Upbeat pop guitar instrumental fades into mellow indie pop beats]
Student: Okay. In your opinion, besides teens and children, do others play video games?
John: Of course. I do not consider myself either anymore, so I would say yes. Besides teens and children, others do play video games.
Student: Do you think that gaming is addictive?
John: Well, that could be debated. However, to a certain extent, I do think it can be addictive. A lot of things can be addictive, even simple things can be addictive.
Student: Okay, so self-control is definitely needed right?
John: Yes, as with anything in life.
[mellow indie pop beats fade into European accordion track]
Student: Right, so do you think that you become a different person when you are gaming?
John: When I am gaming, I do become a different person. I might get a tad bit aggressive. Let me just say that sometimes I take gaming seriously.
Student: Since you brought it up already, do you think that gaming increases aggression?
John: Well, I do not think so. I do not believe that video games make people aggressive in the sense that people think they do.
Student: Are you aware of the...
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