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Literary Devices Used in the Song "Drowns the Whisky'' by Jason Aldean

Essay Instructions:

using the song "drowns the whisky'' by Jason aldean featuring miranda lambert

Pick 3 of the poetic devices that are in the the attached document and discuss them in a paragraph a piece.

Lyrics to drowns the whisky:

All the folks down in Lynchburg, Tennessee

Been working hard for good ol' boys like me

I don't wanna be the one to tell 'em

That stuff that they've been selling

Ain't working like it should

But I damn sure wish it would

Whiskey's supposed to drown the memory

I've gone from one to one too many

And the thing that really gets me

Is how your memory drowns the whiskey

Maybe it's the bar or the stool I'm on

Maybe it's the band and the sad old song

That keeps me buying rounds

That keeps me turning down

Any girl that wants to dance

And you ain't giving them a chance

Whiskey's supposed to drown the memory

I've gone from one to one too many

And the thing that really gets me

Is how your memory drowns the whiskey

Girl, I'm living proof that 80 proof

Ain't got a shot at touching you

Whiskey's supposed to drown the memory

I've gone from one to one too many

And the thing that really gets me

Is whiskey's supposed to drown the memory

I've gone from one to one too many

And the thing that really gets me

Is how your memory drowns the whiskey

Yeah the thing that really gets me

Is how your memory drowns the whiskey

All the folks down in Lynchburg, Tennessee

Been working hard for good old boys like me

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Poetic Devices
Analysis of a poem or a song is one of the most interesting things to carry out in literature. For the sake of knowledge, a song can simply be interpreted as a sung poem. Literary or stylistic devices are basically the mix of words that the poet or singer applies in his or her work, so as to achieve something. In most cases, they are usually for the purposes of achieving a far much deeper meaning, or sending specific messages to the audience. In the song "drowns the whisky'' by Jason Aldean featuring Miranda Lambert, there are various instances where various stylistic or literary devices have been used to achieve some aim quite effectively.
Perhaps the most standout feature of the piece is the rhyme scheme. There seems to be a rhyme at the end of every two lines. For example, the first two have a rhyme scheme with some ‘e’ at the end, so that one pronounces it as ‘I’. They end with,’…Tennessee…’ and ‘…me…’The fifth and sixth lines end with ‘…would…’ and ‘…should…’clearly showing some rhyme with ‘ld’ sound at the end of each of them. The seventh and eighth lines end with ‘…memory…’ and ‘…many…’, hence having that sound of ‘y’ at the end of them as well. This goes all the way to the rest of the paper too.
There is repetition that is evident in the work, especially from the lines 11 and 12, where there is a clear repetition of the first part of each line that states ‘…maybe it’s the…’ which is also r...
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