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The Idea of "Nothingness" and The Beauty of Second Use

Essay Instructions:

Please use these following texts:
1) Armstrong, Karen. “Homo Religiosus”
New Humanities Reader, Fifth Edition (1-21)
2) Lethem, Jonathan. “The Ecstasy of Influence: A Plagiarism”
New Humanities Reader, Fifth Edition (210-231)
Please use plentiful quotes to support the argument. I will attach the complete writing prompt.

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All the creative and innovative ideas in the world must have emerged from somewhere and the first person to have discovered the idea is said to be the original holder or owner of the idea. In several instances other individuals take the original ideas from others and try to come up with other unique ideas from the original. The question that arises from this is the question as to whether this is copying or not. Very many arguments have been brought forth to try and explain whether that can be called stealing or not. Each person’s gift is unique and is not easily stolen from its original owner. The only thing that happens in most instances is the development of a second product from the original product. Although the second product still has features of the original product it might not look the same and is therefore unique in that perspective. Using the already existing art is an inseparable part of an artist’s work because it enables them reveal, the unexploited potential of the object.
The Argument
At times in life, there is the dire need to do things differently. As the word, “ekstasis” by Armstrong one can step out of their comfort zones and begin doing things in a dissimilar manner trying to find out what is best for them (McIntosh, p 220). A selfless individual is one who is willing to let go of the things that they value most such as ego and personality. That emptying or doing away is what is referred to as Kenosis. It is worth noting that being self-less does not imply that one has no value but it simply means that one is flexible and can change their thoughts to what suits them best. The act of being selfless is one that pushes an individual to think about the well being of others in the society.
The idea of “nothingness” as brought forth by Armstrong states that when one has nothing their desire to gain continues to increase. The same applies to people who succeed in religious practices because they gain experience and strength by practicing it rather than thinking about it. The thought of being empty creates an opportunity for the mind to come up with very innovative ideas of doing several things in life. Emptying the wrongs from one’s self-creates an opportunity for the development of newer and better ideas. As Armstrong says “You had to acquire the knack of thinking outside the ordinary” because that is the way in which one can get out of their comfort zones and discover much more in life. With new ideas and discoveries, promote the “enhancement of being.”
Using an object for the same purpose over and over again makes it lose it value. As Armstrong stated it is always wise to think out of the ordinary at all times. In this case, the idea implies that if an object is used for a purpose different from what it was meant for it is could be of more value. Each object possesses a good number...
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