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The Challenging Situation When Traveling In An Unsafe Area

Essay Instructions:

Write a three-paragraphs narrative about a challenging situation in the past.

Paragraph 1: Describe the dangerous situation and what happened. Include as many details as possible. You can include mention of some causes and effects.

Paragraph 2: Describe what might have happened differently and how the dangerous situation could have been avoided. You should be able to use the unreal conditional in the past.

Paragraph 3: Conclude with recommendations about precautions to take to be safe and what you should have with you. Use passive modals to give advice.

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Traveling to an Unsafe Place
Traveling alone is always considered unsafe, especially for women. However, as a female backpacker, I have always liked taking risks. The previous year, I got a chance to visit India and was unhappy with my stay there. India has a good reputation for electing female politicians, but when it comes to visiting there, it is not the right place for anyone. The problem is that women are harassed on the streets in a large number, and I had the same experience. On an evening, I decided to walk through the streets of New Delhi, which is one of the most famous and populated Indian cities. I had a great time out, but when I was coming back to the hotel, a man followed me and harassed me right in the midst of the street. I was shocked to see that no one came forward to help me and save me from this unknown, arrogant guy.
The fact is that Indian women are raped, kidnapped or harassed almost dail...
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