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An Important Health Club For School Body Exercise

Essay Instructions:

Write a proposal for a school to build a Health club that will improve students' lives in the school.

Write a hook for your proposal on a separate piece of paper. Choose one of the types such as strong statement, question, anecdote and statistic.

Write a one-page proposal. Explain your plan and its benefits in detail. Use intensifiers and comparative adjectives where possible.

Paragraph 1: Include a hook that explains the problem. Give a brief introduction to the plan and who/what will help.

Paragraph 2: List the positive effects the project/business will have. Give examples and details to support your claims.

Paragraph 3: Explain when the project will take place and where. Give an estimate for how long it will take from start to finish.

Explain in detail your needs for the project. How much will it cost? How many staff do you need? What additional considerations are there? Give reasons to support your requests.

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An important health club for school
Oct 30, 2018
An important health club for school.
Since the beginning of this institution, there has never been a team or a representative to meet students’ desires of appropriate mental and physical health. Did you know that lack of physical exercise and awareness are major promoters of chronic diseases like obesity? Many students in our school consume fast foods which are believed to have more sugar and fat not necessary for their body (Adrian et.al). Lack of physical exercises and education for our student is initiating normal body malfunctions and extra cost to treat sick individuals. Studies indicate that body exercise help people to get rid of extra calories in their body reducing chances of stroke and obesity attack.
The school health club will be focused in to promoting better health of the students willing to participate. The club will be carrying all their activities after classes, five days a week. Every exercise will be taking 30-45 minutes. The club has chosen swimming, running, dance and aerobic alongside a one theory class in week to teach student ways in which they can avoid chronic diseases, importance of exercises, what needs to be covered in the next exercises. This will enable student to learn from other people who have been in their condition. This...
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