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How the Refrigerator changed the Way of Life of People

Essay Instructions:

Topic: There have been many significant inventions that changed the way people live their lives. What, in your opinion, is one significant invention. How did the invention benefit people by changing their lives to the better. This topic is not about the benefits of the invention. It is about people. It is about how people's lives became different and better because of this invention. So avoid making the topic a discussion of the features or the benefits of the invention. Make it about changes in people's lives. Discuss how people lived before and after the invention. Before the invention means at the point when the invention was made. Do not start at the beginning of time. There are some great inventions that do not fit the requirements of this essay, such as social media. Many people live their lives without using social media, but cannot live without electiricty, television, or the automobile, for example. Pay attention that the word 'invention' does not mean a specific product. So you may discuss the invention of the automobile, but not the Ford Mustang, for example. In the introduction, introduce this invention and give a historical background about it. The thesis statement at the end of the introduction should contain the key words : the + name of the invention + changed the way people live in many ways. Each topic sentence should contain -the name of the invention- changed the way people (do shopping -for example).... Then you may discuss how this happened before the invention and how after the invention. Students who chose this topic wrote about the following inventions: The Internet (always capitalized), the computer, home appliances (collectively treated as one invention) the automobile, electricity, the printing press, the radio, the cell phone, television. Do not write about specialized topics and equipment that only experts are familiar with. Write for a general audience. Avoid writing about very old inventions such as the wheel, the boat, the alphabet, the spear, and so on. Choose an invention that is worthwhile to all people and that you can write and essay of 1,000 words about. Challenges of writing this essay: Pick a topic that you can write a whole essay about. In the past, a student picked the GPS, but did not have enough to write 1,000 words. Choose an invention that has many benefits, but on which you can write from common knowledge. Do not explain how it works or how it has developed. If you want to discuss those aspects, you may do so in the introduction only. Focus on the changes it created. Do not discuss sophisticated equipment. Keep it simple and write from everyday life experiences. Do not start at the beginning of time. Start with the name of the invention and give some background information about it. Avoid philosophizing and meditating on the topic. Choose an invention that has changed the way people live, not an invention that has a limited effect, no matter how great it can be. Do not discuss advantages and disadvantages. Do not focus on features. Think of the change the invention has brought to people's lives through its benefits, but do not let the word 'benefit' dominate the essay. This is an argumentative essay, so it has to argue one way only. You may address the counter arguments in some topics that may allow it. P.S. In all essays about a general topic, do not use the pronoun 'we'. Keep the noun 'people' and the pronoun 'they.' Use the pronouns: I, we, only in personal topics. Do not use the pronoun "they" to refer to a singular noun.

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How the Refrigerator changed the Way of Life of People
The refrigerator was invented in 1755 by a Scottish Professor Cullen William and thereafter underwent a lot of modifications until the year 1913 when the first domestic version of the same was produced. It contained a food reservation unit that had various roles. However, the first commercial mass production of the refrigerator was to be until the early years of the 1980s decade by the company “Frigidaire”. The general purpose of the refrigerator is to keep food cold, therefore, making it take longer before going bad. The function mention is possible by the fact that cold temperature decreases the activities of bacteria in the food which are the major causes of food going bad. The liquid circulating in the tubing of the refrigerator evaporates creating cold temperature. The vapor is then compressed back to liquid form in the next cycle resulting in loss of heat to the heat exchanger pipes (Haven 132). The same process is repeated each and every cycle cooling the food while expelling the excess heat to the surrounding area. The refrigerator, therefore, changed how people preserve their food.
Traditionally, people never used to have this invention available to them. But because food has always been part of man, its preservation was paramount then as it is now. Be it due its excess availability or just the mere fact that food security was essential then. The solution was to store food outside during the winter by burying it into the layers of snow. This lifestyle meant that a person could not have a large amount of food because the storage was hectic. In areas where the winter seasons were shorter, such persons had to outsource the services to other areas. There were instances where people shipped in ice so as to store the food, but this option was only practical and affordable to the rich in society. The other classes of people had to control their food amount; meaning as small a portion as possible which subsequently meant poor diet of the said people resulting in malnutrition.
During the summers, when there was no landscape covered with snow or ice layers, people would preserve food along rivers whose sources were high mountains that the snow was melting from and going down stream. The risk was that some of the foo...
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