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How Children Learn Values from Their Parents

Essay Instructions:

Please I want it before 11:00pm. I can have also time to submit.

Using your textbook, word process a short paper by selecting one of the suggested options below. You can come up with your own ideas for this paper, this is just a list of suggestions.  Each chapter covers a specific topic, choose one to your liking!

Mandatory paper mechanics: At the least, 2 full pages of work; must be word processed; 12-point type, uploaded to Blackboard by due date. Be aware if your paper is below 2 full pages, I will not grade your work and you will receive zero points for this section of the course.  Good luck!

Relate material from your textbook to your own life-for example:

1.  You can engage in a self-improvement activity using information found in the textbook; journal your activity.

2. Identify success factors in loving relationships, then complete an interview with a couple and write a reaction paper.

3.  Explore child/parent relationships and how children learn values from their parents.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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How Children Learn Values from Their Parents
Child-parent relationship is critical to helping young people learn various important things in their lives. Parents are the first teachers that children have and are responsible to pass some values to their young ones directly or indirectly. In particular, children learn things through observation and imitation. As such, it does not mean that a parent must teach a child to do things. However, the young individual will at some point copy some characters from his or her parents. Children learn values by seeing how their parents treat others in their surroundings.
Children learn the value of teamwork from their parents. From the time babies are born, they start observing things in their environment. Even though these young people do not speak at the moment, they observe many things and some of them stick in their minds. For example, many families perform parties to celebrate their children’s birthdays or hold other occasions where all family members are involved. Through these moments of joy, children learn the importance of teamwork. Additionally, the way parents interact at home, particularly by playing different duties enables young individuals to know the importance of teamwork. They understand that every individual has his or her part to play and that family members should help each other to do various things.
The value of responsibility is passed on from parents to their children. The environment where a child is brought up teaches him or her numerous things. Responsible p...
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