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Chris Rock: Tamborine

Essay Instructions:

You have a very descriptive argument right now and for the final draft be sure to differentiate yourself from Rock a bit. What do you want to say about what you see him doing? Answering that question more throughout (see marginal notes) will help you refine your argument a bit and enhance the strong start you have here.

Chris Rock Tamborine

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chris Rock: Tamborine
Racial and ethnic inequities that exist today are a result of structural, institutional, and systemic racism. Systemic and systematic racism takes different forms where it is deep-seated in the laws and regulations that guide an organization or society (Tourse et al. 23). Institutional racism can manifest unconsciously. Sometimes, people who express subtle racism are not even aware of their actions. For example, the presidential election of 2020 had African Americans waiting in line 23 minutes before they could vote. It is in comparison to their white counterparts who waited in line for only 12 minutes. (Banales et al. 176). It is a basic example of systemic racism. Anyone can be a victim of racism depending on the contexts, from prejudice, discrimination, and hate to violence, intimidation against another individual based on race. To combat racism, people employ different ways such as self-validation, peaceful protests, sensitization, and enforcing the rule of law on racists. The paper text will focus on the subtle ideas that Chris Rock presented in his famous comedy show on Netflix entitled Chris Rock: Tamborine. Chris Rock explores the themes of divorce, marriage, and politics, and racism (Verne 1). Rock is able to pierce the listener's sensibilities while invoking laughter among the audience. He wonders out loud if racist police officers ought to "shoot a white kid once in a while" to just balance the statistics because black kids are victimized and subjected to police brutality. He also speaks on raising black children in preparation for a "white world." Throughout the show, he shares rough wisdom on material about being a black American.
Comedy is a genre of art that is meant to induce laughter. It can be through films, movies, skits, and stand-up comedy. When people watch or listen to comedy, it’s because they want to relax and “blow off some steam.” Using this medium to speak about racism without sounding too severe and heavy seems impossible at first glance. Rock’s comedic approach to re-opening the idea of systemic racism in a comedic approach helps increase awareness in his audience without making everyone tense or apprehensive of the issues at hand. It seems that Rock’s delivery and content help shed more light on systemic racism in America. For example, Rock advocates the misleading idea that the United States is continuously making progress in the fight against racism. He sheds light on a sensitive issue while managing to keep the audience laughing. People can watch and learn about racism and how it affects other people, especially those ignorant of racial discrimination. He uses himself and his past experiences with racism and bigotry as a way to educate the audience.
Chris Rock’s Tamborine exposes racism issues that might seem unimportant. In his review about The Tambourine, Verne Gray expresses his opinion about Chris Rock. He views him as a male comedian who has taken a new direction to launch with the Black Lives Matter movement. Chris takes on the school's failure to prepare students for adult life. The comedian explains the importance of bullies in part of the warm-up act for the main show. He uses this medium to appraise the minority opinion and groups with their experiences of racism. He illustrated how as a black man, he could not trust the police as he could easily be a victim of racial profiling and how as a property owner, he can't seem to do without them. Here he discusses the clash of his personality as a black man and as a successful black man. One cannot seemingly be separated from the other. He talks of his experiences growing up bla...
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