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How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day: Companies and User Data

Essay Instructions:

1. https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/2019/07/31/746970018/how-tech-companies-track-your-every-move-sell-your-data

2. https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/tristan_harris_how_a_handful_of_tech_companies_control_billions_of_minds_every_day?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

3. https://www(dot)forbes(dot)com/sites/quora/2019/06/27/how-do-tech-companies-make-money-from-our-personal-data/#57775f384788

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Companies and User Data
In my opinion, it is not appropriate to give my data to tech companies in exchange for access to applications. Ordinary users gain little benefit from such an arrangement, as evidenced by the amount of money that companies pay for the data. For instance, social media users may benefit by connecting with friends and entertainment at no cost. As Poundstone explains the users can enjoy the services for free because they are the product. Consequently, the user benefits are little compared to the financial gains that companies obtain from collecting the data. Moreover, as Fowler notes, the users also incur the costs in order to support such an arrangement. The users usually pay the internet required to transmit the collected data, and the various parts of devices, such as the battery, are affected due to continuous usage. As such, I am not willing to give up my data to tech companies to access their software applications because the arrangement is disadvantageous to me as the user.
I feel that it is unethical for companies to trade my data for financial gain. First, most companies acquire data through unscrupulous methods. They do not obtain the consent of the user. Instead, they imply that using their services is synonymous with consent to data collection, which mischaracterizes the users' intentions to use the software. Additionally, the companies do not inform the users of the full extent of the data collected. Fowler explains that the companies collect a lot of data that even the users would not be comfortable with if they were fully aware of the issue. Finally, as Harris explains, the data is then used to influence users' perceptions and buying habits, which is unethical because it interferes with free agency. Thus, it is unethical for companies to collect and sell user dat...
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