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Literature & Language
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Literature & Language Essay: Daughter of the Dust

Essay Instructions:

Course Name: Gender & Sexuality


1: You are required to keep a journal. Every week you will write a 200-300-word impression of what we are studying. This doesn’t need to be academic, but it does need to be considered. I will collect your journals just about every other week.

2: You are required to write 3 short papers (3pages/900 words) during the semester. The first is due Week 4. The second is due Week 8. And the final one is due Week 12.

Course Outline

Week 1 (10/01) – Introduction

- Watch Paris is Burning

Week 2 (10/08) – Joan Wallach Scott, “Gender: A Useful Term for Historical Analysis” and Donna Haraway, “’Gender’ for a Marxist Dictionary: The Sexual Politics of a Word”

- Watch: Daughters of the Dust

Week 3 (10/15) – Selections from Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality: Volume I”

- Watch: Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette

Week 4 (10/22) Dr. Sarah Krier

- Watch The Crying Game

- First Paper Due

Week 5 (10/29) – Judith Butler, selections from Gender Trouble;

- Watch Querelle

Week 6 (11/05) – Dr. Magda Szcezsniak

- My Own Private Idaho

Week 7 (11/12) – Donna J. Haraway’s “The Cyborg Manifesto”

- Watch Born in Flames

Week 8 (11/19) – Selections from Linda Williams’s Hardcore: Power, Pleasure, and the “Frenzy of the Visible”

- Watch Jeanne Dielman

- Second Paper Due

It's time for your second paper (3 pages, 900 words). It can be about any topic we have read or discussed since the first one was due.

The papers must also contain your own thoughts, opinions, and criticisms of what we’ve been reading. Papers must be double-spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman or a similar font with one-inch margins top/bottom and left/right. The crafting of a paper of this length is often more difficult than writing a longer paper, so plan the time it will take to write accordingly. I am looking to see that you understand the material we are covering, therefore try not to bring in outside references unless they are relevant to the argument you are trying to make. I am more than happy to look at the papers before you hand in your final drafts.

Do not use Wikipedia. It’s not rigorously checked for factual accuracy and nor written by experts in the field.

(You may focus on one topic in the Second paper, I will share some of my journals and required readings for reference. My first paper is unsatisfactory by professor, he gives comment: 'This is a compelling paper, but I'm not sure you ever make an argument. Instead you just give me a recap. There are some nice moments, like when you bring in contemporary issues in race and gender. And I like that you did some outside research. But it is not clear to me what you thought of it.' Please avoid the same issue. Thank you)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor Name
Daughter of the Dust
Released in 1991, Daughters of the Dust is an independent movie directed, produced, and written by Julie Dash. This is one of the first movies to be directed by an African-American woman. Set in 1902, the story is about three generations of Gullah (also called Geechee) women in the Peazant family. They live on Saint Helena Island and decide to migrate to another place. Until now, African Americans face a lot of people in the country. They are killed and given tough times on the name of color, caste, race, religion, and background. Most recently, a lot of incidents of inequality have taken place in different parts of the United States. After watching Daughters of the Dust, the one thing I have understood is that African Americans are as talented, skilled, and amazing as white Americans. It makes no sense to make their lives miserable.
The film starts when the members of the Peazant family gather for a meal before some of the family members are to leave the Georgia and South Carolina islands. They basically want a better and improved lifestyle. They have high expectations from the place they are going to. One of the most interesting aspects of this movie is that so many characters can be found in the same place. They have their different stories and lifestyles. Together, they make the audience understand that life for these individuals was tough in the past. Even today, many such families can be found who are to face plenty of problems due to being black or being non-Americans. To be honest, this should not be the treatment of white people. They must learn how to respect African Americans and people belonging to other races and religions without any discrimination.
Another important aspect of this movie is that it teaches us acceptance and tolerance. We can see that African Americans are not tolerated across the United States. Whether they are working in some offices or their kids go to schools, colleges and universities, their lives are made difficult in one way or the other. Acceptance means white Americans should accept the fact that they are not alone in the country and that givin...
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