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Depiction Of The Character Macbeth

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Write an essay comparing and contrasting the depiction of the character Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth and in Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

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The historical chronicles of Macbeth and Shakespeare’s Macbeth play tell a story about the reign of Scottish general Macbeth, as king of Scotland. The two chronicles, written at different times, tells of the events and characters based on the events that both chronicles choose to highlight. While the two accounts for events of Macbeth’s life, they differ significantly and share various similarities.
One of the significant differences between Holinshed’s historical chronicle of Macbeth and Shakespeare’s is how Macbeth ascends to power and King Duncan I’s death. In Act I of Shakespeare’s play, three witches revolve around him and prophesy that he would become the king after a battle. With this news in mind, his wife, Grouch, plots the murder of King Duncan 1, and in his sleep, Macbeth stabs him with a dagger. As a result, he is named king. In contrast, Holinshed’s chronicles describe Macbeth and King Duncan 1 as cousins. The two worked hand in hand to protect Scotland until 1040 when Duncan 1 launched an attack on Moray. In the battle, Macbeth’s troops killed King Duncan, which paved the way for Macbeth to rise to power.
Both the historical chronicle and Shakespeare’s play depict Macbeth as the main character but with diverging qualities. The portrayal of Macbeth in the play is of a selfish, self-centered murderer whose ambition to become the king lead to him killing King Duncan 1 in his sleep. Additionally, he is the villain whose reign is bloody and oppressive to Scotland&rsqu...
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