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Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart

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Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart
We face situations every time that needs our prove of straightness and understanding of a situation. In some cases, we go to extremes trying to prove a point. Poe, in his short story The Tell-Tale Heart, tells a story of an unnamed narrator who tries to prove that he is not mad. In the process, he does things that prove otherwise. Everything he does is contradicting what he tries to make the reader believe. I think the narrator fails terribly in his mission to convince the readers that he is not mad. This essay explores the extent to which the narrator convinces the reader that he is sane throughout the story.
The narrator says that an insane person cannot plan (65), and I give him credit in the planning sector. The narrator plans everything "perfect" throughout the entire text. His mission is to separate the older man with the evil eye that the narrator believes is a bad omen. First, the narrator ensures that he sneaks every night to the older man's bedroom to check on the evil eye. Surprisingly, he is careful enough while sneaking into the older man's room by ensuring that he covers the light with a cloth piece. He also walks slowly and carefully to avoid waking up the older man. This almost convinces the reader that the narrator is not mad. A mad person cannot plan such systematic steps towards solving a problem. However, he fails when he decides to kill the older man, yet he loves him. The narrator says that he wants to get rid of the vulture eye so that the old man could be free, but he fails to separate the 'eye' and the 'I' in the old man. He aimed to get rid of the vulture eye, but he ends up killing the older man. This shows that he is not sane. A sane person knows that it is hard to separate a person from his eye in the way the narrator wanted to. Killing the older man showed his insanity.
The narrator fails to convince the reader about hiding the house's body after killing the older man. According to him, he wanted to hide the body that no one could find it. He decides to cut the body into pieces to make it simple to dispose of in a place where nobody would notice. He says that he is careful enough not to drip blood on the floor (66). This way, nobody would know that the older man is dead and is rotting inside his house. The narrator's clever plan is to dispose of the body under the boards that formed the floor (66). A sane person would think of hiding the body after committing murder to avoid the body being found and autopsy to reveal the murderer. However, the narrator fails when he disposes the body within the house. The body would be found with ease because of the smell produced by decomposing bodies. Cutting the body into pieces would leave more p...
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