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Personal immortality. Literature & Language Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Complete ONE of the two essay questions below and transmit back to me by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, 11/19/2020. This is also posted on Blackboard.

The expectation is that these are formal essays. That means an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion. General rule for the main body is that the number of paragraphs corresponds to the number of points being made.

(1) The problem of evil refers to the question of how to reconcile the existence of evil with an omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God. An argument from evil attempts to show that the co-existence of evil and such a God is unlikely or impossible. Discuss, and evaluate, various theistic responses to this problem.

In answering this question, I don't expect that you should have to bring up all of the responses to the problem of evil, but I do expect a representative sampling of at least the major responses (such as the Greater Good response, the Free Will Defense, John Hick's "vale of soul-making", Privation Theory, "Heaven Trumps All", that the problem is evil is actually pseudo-problem based on an incoherent premise) ... you can even bring in "minor" responses if you've found any of interest. The point is that I expect a fair sampling, not just one or two.

(2) Discuss the following. Personal immortality has been one of mankind’s major concerns, and even though it has been primarily confined to religious traditions, it is also important to philosophy. Although a wide variety of cultures have believed in some sort of immortality, such beliefs may be reduced to basically three non-exclusive models: (1) the survival of the astral body resembling the physical body; (2) the immortality of the immaterial soul (i.e. an incorporeal existence); (3) resurrection of the body (or re-embodiment, in case the resurrected person does not keep the same body as at the moment of death).

I think this question is fairly straightforward -- given that there are three main points, your essay should be at least five paragraphs: an introduction, 3 paragraphs for the main points of discussion, and a conclusion.

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Personal immortality
Personal immortality has been a contentious subject among philosophers and religious people. Immortality is the indefinite survival of the spiritual, physical, and mental of a human being (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, np). Research from earlier anthropologists’ shows that the possibility of a future life was prevalent in the primitive culture and was conceived differently from one culture to another (Bovon, 400). For instance, in some cultures, soldiers who died on the battlefield were considered to transit to a place of happiness. Similarly, ancient Egyptians believed that afterlife was awarded in relation to an individual's ethical conduct in the earthly life (Bovon, 390). Actually, the belief of immortality is widespread in history, but its truth remains unknown. However, many religious and philosophical traditions perceive immortality as the continued protraction of the immaterial soul, astral body, and resurrection of the body after the physical death.
The existence of the soul after the physical death is widespread in different religions. Human beings in religions such as Christianity and Judaism believe in a spectral double that persists after the body dies. The survival of the soul after physical death can be rooted in the western thoughts of Plato, which entered Judaism and then to Christianity (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, np). This belief rhymed well with Christians’ idea of the resurrection. In this respect, after death, the soul and the body are separated and survives in a conscious and unconscious spiritual state (Bovon, 390). On judgment day, the soul will be transfigured into earthly bodies and live perpetually in the heavenl...
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