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Literature & Language
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In Praise of the Orange Tree by Ju Song. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

We will move on to The Songs of the South, another collection of poems. While the poems are longer, they are prose-like, more personal, and straightforward to understand. Some background information: the poems were composed by Qu Yuan, whose intelligence and loyalty were not recognized by the emperor, so he wrote to self-appreciate and to complain about reality and the small men. Let’s focus on how the poet uses natural objects to express his feelings.

The attachment is four assigned/excerpted poems with their individual prompts: “Orangee-Tree” and “On Encountering the Trouble” which I broke into three parts--the beginning, traveling, and ending. Pick ONE and share your thoughts.

There is no need for citation. Make one page as detailed as you can and just share your thoughts!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
In Praise of the Orange Tree by Ju Song
In Praise of the Orange Tree is a poem written by Ju Song and was preserved in the Jiu Zhang section of the ancient Chinese poetry anthology, popularly known as The Songs of Chu. One thing that can be seen in the poem is the use of symbolism and metaphors for certain human qualities. Some of the qualities that can be seen include steadfastness and commitment. The orange tree is represented as the “fairest of all God’s trees.”
This is meant to represent the beauty or quality the poet had. He possessed the abilities to write, and he could not go anywhere because he was commanded to do so. By being “deep-rooted, firm and hard to shift," the poet wanted to his thoughts and emotions bout himself. He believed that he wa...
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