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Concert Review Assignment Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

The Concert Review Assignment (approximately 500-600 words, typewritten)

you will “attend” and review a classical performance, selecting from a list of live video recorded performances.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Bronfman/Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 Review
The performance is very outstanding. It features Yafim Bronfman, who utilizes unique and remarkable techniques on the piano. His fluid hands and stylistic approach on the piano makes the performance rich. The conductor is very articulate in Beethoven's interpretation and the direction of the different variations through the performance. Yafim Bronfman does an excellent job on the piano, which combines well with the other instruments to produce a rich musical performance.
The mood through the performance varies from being tense to relaxed. This is brought by the tonal variation and rhythmic diversion on the piano. The violins also assist in creating a fluid sound. The overall performance brings out the magic and abilities of Beethoven. There is a soft background that plays out through the performance. This is interrupted by the sharp rise pitch, followed by a soft lowering. Another important aspect that we can also see through this performance is the variation in tempo. The pianist basically determines this. With his rich and unique skill, Yafim Bronfman does an articulate work that shows his mastery of the piano.
The director also does an excellent job of interpreting the orchestral elements of the performance. There are numerous aspects that can be seen from the way the performance progresses. Numerous aspects of the performance make it rich and compelling. The musicians also reveal how t...
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