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Holocaust vs. Congo war. The Holocaust and the Congo Civil war

Essay Instructions:

I need one comparison essay research. it must have 4 paragraph with 1 hook ( introduction ). I need to compare in The stages of persecution ( that is : propaganda/loss of rights - increased violence - segregation/separation - death camps ) you have to choose two of this and compare the Night Book with Congo war in that two stages. it must have 4 quote in each paragraph. 2 quote from The Night book and 2 quote from sources ( it must have at least 3 sources, and sources shouldn't be wikipedia, please use valid sources. so I need 1 hook, 4 body paragraph, 4 quote in each paragraph, 2 from "The Night" book, and 2 from sources, that mean 16 quote at all. and the essay is about comparing persecution's and genocide's that happened in Congo war and "The Night" book. and keep in mind, that it should be in MLA format.

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July 5, 2018
The Holocaust and the Congo Civil war
Congo’s Civil war and the Holocaust would perhaps be remembered as some of the most inhumane events in history. While some of the most haunting aspects of these events were the killing of a millions of people in its conclusion, a deeper analysis of the events show that acts like these have much more in common that a simple desire to eliminate or wipe-out a particular group of individuals. By definition, genocide is defined by the United Nations as harming and killing members of a group or even preventing the birth or conception of children in such a group CITATION Unind3 \l 1033 (United Nations). This is different from persecution, which includes four stages which are; (1) propaganda, (2) loss of rights, (3) Separation, and (4) the creation of Death camps. In almost any case of persecution recorded in history, it could be seen that one of the reasons that motivates groups to commit violence against each other, is their idea that differences in religion, political belief, ethnicity, etc. differentiates them as human beings. To provide a better understanding of this idea, the two horrific events that happened before would be discussed in the succeeding sections. Nevertheless, I believe that the classification provided by the stages of persecution could reveal a thematic pattern about the events that transpired, leading to the deaths of millions of people and the unforgettable scar that was left to their loved ones.
It is well-known amongst both historians and lay men alike that the reason why the Holocaust happened is the belief of the Nazi’s that the Aryan race (ancestors of the Germans) were superior than those who are not CITATION Sou17 \l 1033 (South African History Online). In turn, this kind of thinking led to the deaths of almost 6 million Jews in the hands of Nazi persecutors. However, while it is horrific to see millions of dead bodies being hauled in creates and trucks, it is also haunting to see how the Germans were able to do it in the first place. In Wiesel’s book he said that during the start of the occupation of the Germans, the Jews were forced to “wear the yellow star” (Wiesel, 71). A star that differentiates them from the Germans and people from other races.
At first, Wiesel said that this has already caused a lot of Jews who are trying to flee the country as they knew that Hitler’s propaganda, has essentially shaped the Germans’ minds about the need to cull their population. Nonetheless, when Wiesel and his family was already trying to flee the country, he said they “might still have been able to flee…But by the time we succeeded in opening the window, it was too late. There was nobody outside” (Wiesel, 12). A time when the isolation and separation of Jews from the others started. Similarly, in the Congo Civil War, reports from one of the survivors named John Ochola said that when their village were attacked, most of their tribesmen were “prevented from going outside” CITATION Och06 \l 1033 (Ochen) their home...
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