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Summary & Explication Essay Assignment: Guang Yang

Essay Instructions:

Summary & Explication Essay

For your first paper, you are being asked to thoroughly, yet concisely, summarize and explicate an editorial or opinion piece from a newspaper located in or near your home town. 

To summarize, locate the article's main points and put that content in your own words. Paraphrase short, important passages when desirable, and use direct quotes when necessary. You must avoid plagiarism while keeping quoting to the minimum.

To explicate, come up with your own examples/comparisons/points of elaboration to help your reader understand the text better. This can be done very concisely. 

Choosing an article: The op-ed or editorial you choose must 1. make a clear argument, 2. be at least 500 words long, 3. be in English, 4. be available for me to view, 5. be published no earlier than within the previous month (i.e., not before August 1), 6. and be either from your home town (if possible), or else from the nearest city with an English-language newspaper (or a newspaper that posts an English-language edition) with online editorial content. 

Do not deliberately choose the same article your friend/peer is using. If your essays' content overlaps too much, you may both receive zeros on this assignment. Consider this fair warning. 

Organization and Development: Each paper should have an introduction that provides sufficient context about the article (assume your readers aren't familiar with the article or topic. Decide what they need to know up front about where it was published, who wrote it, etc.) and contain a clear expository thesis—i.e., a statement of the text's main idea (see thesis statement resources linked to on Moodle). 

Two main patterns of organization exist for summary and explication essays. Choose one of the following patterns:

Pattern 1 summarizes in a block of paragraphs and then explicates in a block of paragraphs. 

I. Introduction with a clear expository thesis that states the main idea

II. Summary of article (should be approximately 1 to 3 paragraphs)

III. Explication of article

IV. Explication of article (etc.)

V. Conclusion

Pattern 2 contains body paragraphs that summarize one point and then explicate that point. 

I. Introduction with a clear expository thesis that states the main idea

II. Summary of point 1; explication of point 1

III. Summary of point 2; explication of point 2

IV. Summary of point 3; explication of point 3

V. Continue with summary of points and explication of points until all points are covered.

VI. Conclusion

Length and Format: The essay should be 700-900 words. You are to use MLA page format and include a works cited entry for the article. Refer to Purdue Online Writing Lab's “MLA Formatting and Style Guide” for MLA format. This paper will not require in-text citations, but you should familiarize yourself with the MLA works cited page and paper format from the Purdue OWL's Guide. 

Due Dates: 

First draft: Thursday, September 14. Post to the “Peer Review Forum” on Moodle by 1:35 PM and bring your laptop to class

Final draft: Friday, September 15. Upload your file to the “Essay #1 Final Draft Drop Box” on Moodle by 1:35 PM and bring a printed copy to class

Find an Indiana authoritative newspaper article, and then write this essay.

And need to use Turnitin to ensure that less than 10% of the copy.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Guang Yang
Reforms in the education system in the US have resulted in an increased budget allocation; each state is looking into ways of overcoming the budget deficit due to the increased cost of education. It is hard to ignore the financial challenges facing many districts around the country. Even though large district schools make headlines every day, smaller district schools also struggle with budget deficits. Majorities of schools in the US are running a budget deficit or plan to have one in the coming years. Both state schools and district school have faced rising costs for some time due to education reforms (Sandleben1).
Factors like increased employee pension contribution, inflation and the government's directive of one percent pay award to teachers have greatly affected school budgets. School districts are trying to adjust to the new reforms to prepare children for a brighter future by improving teacher quality, reducing the sizes of class and increasing student-learning time (Sandleben1). However, limited funding has hampered their efforts to implement many of the education reform recommendations (Sandleben 1).
To understand how district schools are coping with the situation, an article by Tony Sandleben titled "Muncie Community Schools to Cut Programs to Fix Deficit" highlight how Muncie schools are trying to devise ways to offer quality education (Sandleben 1). The article published by the New Link in Indiana states how Muncie community schools are faced with an estimated $ 11.5 million deficit (Sandleben 2). The schools are yet to get the best solution to dig them out of the hole. According to the author, the district is analyzing several areas to cut their budgets,including teacher salaries and reducing school programs (Sandleben 2).
Like many other district schools, Muncie is reviewing whether to reduce the number of qualified staff and increase the number of unqualified teachers. Nevertheless, there are other ways of cutting costs like leasing out school premises, while others sell off some assets or charge for services like catering in my view. The author believes that to fix its financial deficit, Muncie does not necessarily need to cut some of its classroom programs, close school early or privatize some of its services. The author urges the school district officers to assist the school in devising better ways to manage its budget deficit (Sandleben2).
According to the school emergency manager, he states ...
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