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Culture, Identity And Communication, Cultural Strength

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talk about a Chinese culture. Thank you!

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Culture, identity and communication
It has been documented by many scholars how culture plays an important role when defining a community or a group of people. Cultural identity is described by how people from specific settings lead their lives (Martin and Nakayama 87). Understanding culture is important because it influences how people communicate therefore, it is worth noting the communication variations. Culture is the nation deepest historical growth and a distinctive feature that forms a nations' identity (Martin and Nakayama 87). Any country's cultural strength and its competitiveness is an important symbol of a national rejuvenation and its national identity (Martin and Nakayama 91).
This paper analyzes the east-west exchanges between various cultures and the different ideological beliefs. This reflection paper focuses on my experience of two different cultures and the need for cultural identity in global communication, including the need of establishing firm core cultural values.
Cultural identity overview
Culture forms part of a nations' identity and its part of the development process. It is a nation deepest historical accumulation, which makes it distinct (Martin and Nakayama 104). With the globalization, development, the world is becoming a global village. People can easily interact with many people from different cultural backgrounds. Looking back at the history of east and west exchange between various cultures and different ideological beliefs is evident. In the global times, misunderstanding and prejudice are common phenomena; many people still face cultural challenges in fitting in the new environment (Chen 273).
Having lived in the US for quite some years, I got involved in several organizations while on the campus. I was a member of badminton club, Chinese Association, and the Christian crusaders. All the clubs gave me different experiences regarding understanding culture and improving my English language. At one point, I experienced a cultural misunderstanding because I came from an Asian background. Many students from other cultural background shared similar experiences because of the social structures in the US. Like other students, I have my own identity.
I am a 21-year-old Chinese female whom, according to my culture I among the new generation of Chinese. Joining these clubs made me feel like I was lost and needed to find my own identity. In the US, women were given a chance to air out their opinion. Unlike my culture, females express their ideas and thoughts without feeling intimidated by my male counterparts. While in China, women depend on men, even in decision-making (Chen 276).
Unlike Chinese, women in the US and Europe only experience sex discrimination by pay scale and seats in corporate boardrooms, but women in my country China discrimination is based on several factors like cultural beliefs. I recall several times when I was growing up we were not permitted to talk without seeking permission an elderly male person in the house. We were to follow the rules without questioning them (Chen 278). Unlike the US in China, girls are less privileged; they are restricted to cultural norms. Both girls and women, mostly depend on men to make decisions. Communication barriers are one of the challenges I faced initially when it came to the US. When people discussed, I did not understand what others were saying, and I relied on my friend to interpret for me (Chen 278).
In China, the rapid economic growth has given women hope there have been profound changes in the society that is why I can travel to study in the US because I have the choice to decide if I want to pursue my education. The US culture focuses on individual autonomy where individual goals are not sanctioned about the societal interest (Chen 279). The Chinese culture emphasizes on col...
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