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Representation of Transhumanism in the Film "Limitless"

Essay Instructions:

Need to watch a movie at 2011 from Bradley Cooper as the main character, movie is called "Limitless", then read a book approximately 50 pages called "Doctor Faustus" (contact me if you need a Chinese or Eng version). Combine Hutcheon, Linda. A Theory of Adaptation. This theory at 6~7 pages (I will upload), need to combine it to professor's requirement, and use the requirement to write an essay, the requirement is ‘This assignment asks you to consider questions along the following lines: What kind of shift in cultural attitudes about transhumanism is suggested when we compare the film to its source? How does the film inherit, adapt, or revise its source material to shed light on how we think about transhumanism in our current technological society? What changes? What stays the same?'. Remember to reference the evidence, and need to HIGHTLIGHT it from witch paragraph or pages it from. Remember the starting part need to define the transhumanism.

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Literature and Language
The current state of human development can be said to be in its early stage comparatively. There is thinking for the future that indicated that humans are still developing intellectually and they have not yet reached their final stage. This is the concept of transhumanism. Having this in mind, some intellectual movements have taken to developing very sophisticated technologies to aid in the enhancement of human philosophy and intellectual abilities. The movement has gradually developed for the past two decades. The film, “Limitless” is a representation of transhumanism.
Max More (1990) defines transhumanism as “Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values” (Litwa, 2013,p.224). This is the original More’s definition. Humanity+, taking More’s definition as the foundation puts it into the following two statements as quoted below.
1 “The intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improves the human condition through applied reason, especially by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.
2 The study of the ramifications, promises, and potential dangers of technologies that will enable us to overcome fundamental human limitations, and the related study of the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies.”
The film “Limitless” depicts the concept of transhumanism as pointed out earlier. Just, in brief, Bradley Cooper, who is the film's protagonist, discovers a drug, NZT-48 luckily. It is a mysterious drug. The users of the drug could connect and remember everything they learned at supersonic speed. There are three essential areas that transhumanism established values as it conveyed humanity and the emerging and advancing technology. They include technological innovation, visionary narratives, and critical thinking. This philosophy synthesizes metaphysical and epistemological views due to the generated goals, values and principles it brings along.
The roots of the film in relation to transhumant stem out from the historical systems which form the basis of both cultural and social attitudes. This is, for instance, human rights, global cultural diversity, Techno supply and production, an extension of radical life, interventions of enhancement of human development and laws and policy making politics. The film approaches the concept synergistically such that it provokes insights to evaluate the conflicts and challenges humans face and put an effort to coming up with applied and more practical solid solutions. The transhuman concept thus is a practical optimism to humankind.
There have been a number of major cultural barriers which have been long-lasting, but in comparison of “Limitless” to its source, these barriers have been eradicated. The most powerful nation worldwide has shifted its cultural attitudes as the technology advances. For instance, the Confederate flag; it has long stood for the backwardness, down-right and intolerant racism in South US has finally loosened its strings. The US Supreme Court has also legalized the same-sex marriages. There is also a developing acceptance of marijuana across the US combined with other factors. This indicates a major cultural shift which cultivates transhumant ideas.
The film “limitless” showcases the use of a drug that enhances human’s intellectual capabilities. As reviewed earlier, Bradley Cooper who is the main character of the movie discovers a drug NZT. NZT is a smart drug. It transformed Cooper’s life completely by enabling him to harness the full potential of his cognitive capability. The drug seems to work well for the users for instance for Scooper, he could drive cares very fast, woe wom...
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