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The Meaning Of Life: The Movie Of Saving Private Ryan

Essay Instructions:

popular culture is important! 

Use the different sides from the movie of 'Saving Private Ryan' to write the essay and give your opinion1

essay should be connected with pop culture

why it is pop culture, what is pop culture in the movie and discuss

Major Paper I: Writing to Inform

Purpose and Description

The process of “joining a conversation” involves much more than simply voicing one's opinion about a topic. (Most of us can do that with little effort.) Rather, to enter into and contribute to a genuine dialogue, we first need to discover what has already been said about the topic in question. We can do this in many ways: by reading, by observing, by asking questions, by listening. These are often routine activities, but when we deploy them toward a specific research goal, they position us not only to gather and share information, but also, potentially, to say something new. Toward these ends, your aim in this assignment will be to research a topic and compose an informative essay that reports on it. Note: Remember this course is loosely based on exploring topics and themes and issues related to popular culture. Some of your topic options are provided on a list of relevant topics that connect to these broad course themes. If you are interested in exploring an issue that is CONNECTED to these themes, but not necessarily on the list, please email me to check before pursuing it.

You may select to explore a topic (from the list) that interests you, but at the very least, remember that this paper should

1) be relevant to a general audience; and

2) be compelling enough to invite debate among members of your audience.

You will not be “taking a side” per se; instead, you will compose an informative and well-balanced essay that helps readers deliberate about the topic in a conscientious and responsible way. And you will offer some perspective and deeper insight into the nuances and complexities of the issue.

Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.

Invention & Inquiry

Identify a topic or an issue that interests you from the broader categories and the list of specific topic;

Write down several reasons why the issue should be of interest to others;

Conduct a preliminary search of your issue using web-based resources;

Gather approximately 4-5 sources related to your issue;

Summarize each source and make notes about the various situations in which they are embedded (e.g., authors, audiences, genres, contexts, etc.).

The Composing Process

Compose an introduction that frames and defines the scope of your essay;

Offer readers some contextual background on the subject of your research;

Use sources gathered in your research (3-4) to compose informative body paragraphs;

Help your audience understand the stakes involved in the issue and the limitations of the information you have used to report on it;

Conclude your essay by pointing toward additional research and analysis that can be done to better understand the issue as part of an ongoing conversation.

Specific Requirements

Your essay should:

Focus on a relevant topic;

Inform your audience about the topic;

Summarize and paraphrase sources with finesse;

Cite sources correctly using an appropriate citation style;

Be written in a clear, precise, and energetic prose style;

Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of the essay;

Be 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface); MUST REACH BOTTOM OF THE 4TH

Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details). NOTE: CANVAS DOES NOT ACCEPT FILE FROM PAGES

Informative essays, regardless of length, offer only a fraction of all possible views on a topic. Keeping this in mind, your objective is not to persuade readers toward a particular point of view; it is to inform them about your topic in a way that enables them to judge for themselves how to join the conversation that you are beginning to map out through your ongoing inquiry. Please contact me if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Students Name
Course Title
War Movies
War movies have been around since the first days of cinema. These movies have chronicled the experiences that soldiers have gone through during battle, experiences that cannot be truly understood unless one has actually lived through them. While some war movies focus on chronicling battles, others assume a more human approach in relation to the aftermath of battles and their effects on human life (Beauchamp 2015). Despite the fact that these movies play a crucial role in terms of informing people of their history, they are also dangerous to the health of the society’s culture and the strength of the nation.
Classical war films had three defining elements. Movies such as The Alamo by John Wayne had affection for and somehow glorified the American soldier. In such movies, the soldier was seen as a representative of the country’s interests and a man of the people. In addition, classical war movies sympathized with the nation’s cause. To this end, they were seen as representing what the country to be doing for survival as opposed to what it should not be doing (Sazanne-Mayer et al. 2017). Thirdly, dramatization of wars was seen as carrying some kind of a meaning. Once in a while, such movies are released even to date with some of them including but not limited to Saving Private Ryan in which bringing home the soldier would have given the war a meaning. However, such classical movies are rare to see in the movie industry.
Modern war movies regardless of the type of conflict being depicted tend to overturn the above three elements. Today’s war films portray soldiers as demented, sick or warped. They are depicted as abnormal citizens who are effected in one way or another by the reminisces of wars. The audience is stage-managed to side with the other side, regardless of what side it may be. Moreover, the audience at the end is left to believe that the conflict in question was meaningless. A case example can be drawn from the Platoon which gives the audience a terrifying image of Vietnam (Sazanne-Mayer et al. 2017). Most characters in this particular movie are depicted as being dysfunctional, dangerous and horrible. The primary motive of the American soldiers in this war is reflected as that of torturing and killing Vietnamese people and burning down their villages which in turn gives no meaning to the war. In other recent movies, the military is displayed as disgusting, sadistic and inferior to the supposed enemy and wars as hypocritical or marred with corruption agenda.
Apologists who support the sudden shift in how the military is displayed in modern war movies may argue that the real-life situation painted a different face of the military. For example, the conduct of the military in My Lai in Vietnam where innocent civilians were massacred depicted the American military as a spiteful. In essence, most modern American war movies portray the American military as advocating for the country’s idealism of being a sham contrary to the popular that it is a beacon of freedom (Beauchamp 2015). Coupled with events such as the invasion of Libya and other countries in the gulf region, American war movies portray the country as an imperialist threat. Despite the stated justifications as to why modern war movies have changed as compared with classical movies, there is considerable amount of falsehoods. Critics have for example argued that despite soldiers being depicte...
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