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Research Renewable Energy And The Renewable Sources

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Literature and Language
Renewable Energy
The term ‘renewable’ means replenish. So if the context is talking about let’s say a resource, then it means that the resource can be used for production but the more it is exhausted, the more it replenishes. Taking this definition of the term renewable energy, it means energy whose source is natural and it can be replenished once exhausted. There are so many sources of energy across the globe. Just to mention a few, water is used to run turbines thus producing hydro-electric power. The Wind still runs windmills thus producing electric power. The rays of the sunlight are trapped to produce solar energy. Other renewable energy sources include tides, biomass, (though there are various kinds), geothermal heat among others.
The era of urbanization and industrialization evolved or increased the use of energy. Energy is required to develop and improve the economy of a country. It is used in manufacturing industries, communication industries, transport industries, the entire commercial sector at large as well as domestic sector. Access to energy ensures fulfilling lives for the humans. It is worth noting that ever since the era of industrial revolution, fossil fuel has been the one used. Another vital thing to note is that fossil fuel or coal is a non-renewable source of energy. By non-renewable, it means once exhausted, it can never be replenished. For the case of fossil fuel, it takes centuries for it to form.
It is therefore worth noting that the renewable sources are getting exhausted. On addition to that, they are concentrated in some parts of the world, and therefore other places do not have them. What other countries do is to import them of which it is expensive. In addition to that, the issue of environmental hazards which is giving birth to climate change, for instance, the issue of global warming is another thing to take note of. The change in climate has resulted in more adverse effects, for instance, it results to desertification in most of the tropical countries and tornadoes and hurricanes in other parts of the world. The product of coal is carbon dioxide which is mostly emitted into the atmosphere. A high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to the depletion of the ozone layer.
The thinning of the ozone allows large amounts of harmful rays to hit the earth, for instance, the ultra-violet rays, the gamma rays among others. The rays lead to the associated diseases such as skin cancer. To the climate, they increase the temperatures unnecessarily and thus the earth is becoming more inhabitable. The above are a few examples of why the topic of renewable energy is crucial. It is noted that renewable energy has less been used due to the lack of favorable related policies and the necessary technology. The technology is very expensive thus making many people opt for the renewable resources. In other words, people should have the knowledge about renewable energy to encourage them to start using it.
Beck Fredrick & Eric Martinot in their Renewable Energy Policies and Barriers analyze the policies that hinder the use of renewable energy. They at first acknowledge that renewable energy is fundamental for sustainability. They then analyze the six policies that directly influence the use of renewable energy resources. Some of these policies are discussed under barriers. In brief, the barriers include costs and pricing. There are arguments suggesting that renewable energy is more costly compared to other sources of...
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