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Suzhou Pian and Other Dubious Paintings in Received Oeuvre of Qiu Ying

Essay Instructions:

This is a reading response paper

The reading is in the file

Please follow the requirement below.

1. a brief summary( no longer than a paragraph) of what the text is about , with some attention to who wrote it and why. Identify the author's thesis and argument.

2.relate the reading to the nature of Chinese literature, society, or politics. stimulate your thinking about Chinese culture. Please note, though, that I am not interested in thoughtless criticism of Chinese culture. If you have a negative reaction to the text, you need to stop to reflect on how the values of Chinese society in a particular period might differ from modern values. If you find the text confusing, it is fine to focus on one part of it.

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Reading Response –
" Suzhou Pian" and Other Dubious Paintings in the Received" Oeuvre" of Qiu Ying.
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September 18, 2017
In the article written by Laing, he described how does Chinese Art, more specifically those painted by Qiu Ying (Shifu), has suffered the tide of widespread forgery business in the aim of creating profit. More particularly, he detailed out how severe is this phenomenon is, that the identification of Qui Ying’s original works now proves to be very difficult, because of “artistic and business practices, such as acknowledge ghost painters, outright forgeries, and tampering with artists’ signatures, and even supplying fake seals purporting to a famous collector”. He argued that one of the main indicators of this widespread forgery business has even reached the point where it was recognized by the government itself, thus eliciting actions to detect counterfeit pieces of art through exhibits and allocation of resources towards scholarly work. Indeed, he even detailed that this endemic problem has reached a scale that a particular field of study was dedicated to it, as portrayed in the study detailing “eras of forgery”.
In line with traditional Chinese Culture, I believe that these three eras/tides (the Northern Song, the late Ming, and the late Qing-early Republican period) which characterized the apogees of the forgery business, are deeply rooted towards Chinese mercantilist thinking, more particularly due to the practices of the Ancient Silk Road. Despite the fact that this route has...
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